Lexapro Taper--stuck
UpdatedI've been on lexapro 20 mg for more than ten years and, for a variety of reasons, am tapering off of it. Over the past 15 months, through an extremely slow and painful process, I've gotten down to 7.5 mg. For some reason I don't seem to be able to get further. I'm using liquid right now and taking 7 mg and it's unbearable. I don't know how half a milligram makes such a difference.
Any tips on getting out of this hole and keeping on with progress?
1 Reply
Hello, Sophia! How are you? I'm sorry about what you're going through.
Have you spoken to your doctor? They may be able to prescribe something to help with the withdrawal effects, until your past the worst of them, such as Klonopin or Ativan.
The FDA classifies those medications as benzodiazepines, so they carry the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.
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