Lexapro And Cocaine
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I have heard that Lexapro is used to withdraw from cocaine. Does it work? If so, will Drs. prescribe it?

3 Replies

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I respect your honest response because it appears that you speak from first hand experience and give a first hand experience regarding the physical and mental effects of mixing leaxapro and cocaine without giving a moral response which i think is irrelevant, everybody's experience is unique to themselves and regardless of that I share the same sentiments as you in the regards that lexapro counters any withdrawal effects i 'personaly' otherwise would have ever had without it.

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why did they say they had to ccchrck out my last reply, to the person looking for a dr. who would prescribe them "methadone???

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Cocaine does the same thing as lexapro it release endorphins but just in a different way, faster. There is no reason to worry when doing the two. In fact while on lexapro I don't feel depressed the next day after doing coke as I usually would.

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