Lexapro Withdrawals
UpdatedI have been off Lexapro for almost a week now (1 year on 20mg) I am having horrible withdrawals eg. Feeling like Im being zapped through my head chest & arms, especially when I move, insomnia, feeling obsessive, feeling manic, no concentration, feeling like I'm not myself and so on.. I'm just wanting to know if there is anything I can do as I am so close to just starting back on them, I don't know if I can handle this
4 Replies
Hello, Emily! How are you doing? Have things improved, at all, yet?
That is fairly typical for withdrawal from SSRIs, according to the information provided by the FDA. Generally, tapering is preferred, rather than stopping cold turkey, to prevent the worst of the withdrawal and rebound effects. You may also experience nausea, chills and diarrhea.
It usually takes about a month or so, for them to fully taper off and for you to feel more normal, again, but it can vary from person to person.
At this point, there isn't much you can do to help, it will just take time, unless you go back on it and then slowly taper, under your doctor's supervision.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thank you for your information. It's been a few weeks now and I'm feeling much better, still a few zaps but I'm feeling like myself again
sorry to hear about your withdraws i stop after being on it for 3 years and had no problems i cant wait to get back on it didnt think it was doing any good boy was i wrong
I have taken brand- name Lexapro for many years. Last year, I switched to generic because the brand was getting too costly. Had issues with generic right away (extreme constipation, severe gas & burping, & pain in my lower, right abdomen. &, the list goes on & on. I got back on brand, but symptoms didn’t stop. I’m now trying to taper off the brand. Still have all of the above symptoms plus more. I have had a colonoscopy, endoscope, an abdominal x-ray, 2 ultra-sounds, a hida-scan, a ct scan, & blood work. Other than saying some of the tests indicated I have a lot of gas in my system, & my system is very irritated. I suspect it’s all drug related. Just strange the brand name didn’t bother me in the past. Has anyone else had this type of experience, & will the discomfort ever end? I’m taking supplements
Recommend by Jim Harper on his website, “The Road Back to Recovery.” These seem to give me some periods of relief, & I normally sleep very well.
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