Levoxyl Vs Levothyroxine


I had been on Levoxyl 100mcg for at least 2 years and was doing great until the recall in April 2013. The only issue I had was I found it hard to sleep at night. Since the recall,I had to switch to Levothyroxine 112mcg and feel tired all the time,gained weight, and other unhappy symptoms. My levels are normal but I think I felt better on Levoxyl. My question is now that Levoxyl is back on the market would it be a mistake to be put back on it? Is it the same? I can't find any info or anyone who has gone back to Levoxyl.

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Hello, Candace! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the problems that you're having.

Those are all normal side effects of Levothryoxine, but though it is the same thing, if you feel that the Levoxyl worked better for you, there's no harm in switching back to it.

Have you also experienced hair loss? That's another typical side effect that many people don't like.

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I've had hair loss while on both medications. When I switched from levoxyl to levothyroxine initially,after several weeks it felt like I took a nose dive off a cliff. My Dr. had to increase the dose of levothyroxine to get me stable. During that time I was a complete wreak. I started back on my old strength Levoxyl a couple of days ago and I'm hoping not to go through that ever again.

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I hope it works well for you.

Can you post back and keep me updated, please?

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