Levoxyl Availability (Page 2)
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Has Levoxyl been taken off the market again?? In November, 2016 I am being told by the pharmacy that I use (Walgreens) that Levoxyl has been taken off the market again because of quality problems, but I am not finding any information about such a recall on the internet.

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I called last week to get a refill of 200 mcg of Levoxyl only to find there is none. Researching it I found this forum. I really don't want to change to Synthroid. I did during the recall and it messed me up big time! Why can they pull it off the market without a reason and especially without notifying anyone? I have no thyroid due to cancer so I need the medicine. Changing brands really messes my body up...brain fog, etc. I'm not looking forward to changing meds again.

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Ive had horrible reactions to my new Levoxyl.
Lips swelling, brain feels like it will burst, itchy, blotchy skin to name a few side effects.
It seems like they changed the fillers. I have the same issues with generic thyroid meds.

If you have a good compounding pharmacy near by you can have something compounded. Unfortunately, I can't take the NDT, too much T3.

Good luck to all.

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Just called to check on the recall and Pfizer said there was none

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You guys should all try Unithroid, that's what I use...it's a brand and it's just a $3 copayment a month...I've told all y hypothyroid friends about it and they love it! Ask your doctor and spread the word! Hope this helps!

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Has anyone explored other viable alternatives to Levoxyl in the meantime?

From what I understand, there's always Synthroid or generic Levothyroxine which are commonly prescribed. Is Levoxyl really much different? If so, in what way, because it seems to be the same drug with a different name (aside from fillers)...

I've also heard about various thyroid products such as 'ArmourThyroid' made by Allergan, that other people here on MedsChat have reportedly had success with. According to the manufacturer's webpage, ArmourThyroid uses natural, porcine-derived thyroid hormone replacement containing both T4 and T3.

Just wanted to share those extra options with readers who may be forced to find a new form of treatment.

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I called Pfizer, and Levoxyl 200mcg has indeed been taken off the market again.

No estimate as to when it will be available.

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