Levothyroxine Vs. Levothyroxin


I had thyroid cancer and had a TT in 2017. I've been on Levothyroxine 150mcg for almost a year. The pills have always been light blue colored and round with a stamp of jsp on one side and 520 on the other side of them. I recently switched pharmacy and just opened them to discover the label says Levothyroxin 150 mcg tab Santos. They are blue, oval and say 150 on one side and GG 338 on the other. They look NOTHING alike and are not called the same. There was plenty of room on label, so its not that there wasn't room for the 'e' at the end. Am I taking the same stuff? It's been hell getting my levels right and I have nodules growing again and monitoring my antibodies for the cancer. I cannot afford to be on a lesser effective drug. Are these the same? They sure look totally different.

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It is the same medication, just manufactured by a different company, someone likely just made a typo on the prescription label, or made an unnecessary abbreviation. However, this new tablet still contains 150mcgs of Levothyroxine. (NDC 55466-112).

150 GG 338 tablet

Inactive Ingredients:

- Silicon Dioxide
- Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Magnesium Stearate

Since this is a generic medication, which one your pharmacy carries, at any given time, may change, depending on who was offering the cheapest price via their distributor, then they had to restock their supply.

How are you doing on it?

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I haven't started it as yet. I had about a week left of my original. Thank you so much for all your help, that was really helpful. I am really hoping I am not like a lot of people I have read that do badly on certain generics. I am really battling this Hypo and it has been miserable. Doesn't help that my Endocrinologist is very unhelpful. My hair falls out in wads, she says it is nothing to do with being hypo or meds. WELL!!! that was a lie! I basically have to do all my own research and she doesn't want to hear about it nor believe it. Her famous line is 'well I am on the same medication and I have no issues'. It is a bit terrifying that my doctor bases all her patients' side effects or wellness off what she personally experiences. So I am really crossing my fingers that this medicine is exactly the same and my body sees it as the same. Bee having to go in every 3 months for cancer scans and blood work so next round will be April, so that is when I will see the blood work after being on this new pill.

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