Levothyroxine Is Satan (Page 4)
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I don't feel so confused anymore. Now I know all of you are going through the same thing. My doctor put me on 50mcg of Levothyroxine about a month ago and I have gain 8 pounds! I get short-breathed and winded REALLY easily when working out. I used to go to the gym for 2 hours, now I can't make it longer than 30 minutes. I wake up ALL the time with tingly fingers because my hands have fallen asleep. I have headaches, I feel 100 times more lazy than before...and it's supposed to help your energy, not drain it. I e-mailed my doctor today, this is not making me happy. Not to mention I now have an acne type rash that burns like hell on my chin and I've always had clear skin. If this drug is supposed to make you feel better it sure as sh*t isn't working for me. I feel like a fat lazy a$$ with an itchhy burning rash on my face... stay away from this drug, that's my suggestion. :(

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Hilarious! Beautifully said, I couldn't have said it better.
Read up on Hypo/Hyper thyroidism and look into Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) as an alternative. I had the same thing and I agree with you and NDT fixed it for me.

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I have noticed other meds which cause weight gain, I am very interested in finding out the basic cause of this effect. What is the common factor that is causing the weight gain?

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I'm on levothyroxine for 15 years. I have gained 80 lbs. some slowly crept on and other times I had rapid weight gain of 10 lbs in very short periods of time. Each time I was unable to lose the gained weight. Also do not sleep well and my abdomen looks pregnant.

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Hi well I gave Levothyroxine a month it did work well. I went to the doctor and to my surprise from working out 5 times a week. I lost 22 pounds last month. I'm adding 20 to 30 mins to my working out before I go to bed at night to see my result this month. I will update you all it does cut down inches.

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So true. Been on it 15 yrs and just realized ive become bit over weight and lazy lazy. Cant dobl gym now and suffer from deeper depression than ever . Im 67 so ive screwd yp 15 years cos if this bloody drug. Ive stoppd now 7th day see if i can get a normal thyroid count without the drug

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I can relate. I have a similar situation. I was going to buy garcinia till I read it will only cause more weight gain. I am currently trying to get a prescription for Phentermine for 3 months then possibly Belviq.

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I have been on Levothyroxin for several years and my symptoms are still there. Are there any side effects if I quit taking it? Someone told me that Armorthyroid was better. Anyone have experience with that?

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Oh my goodness. Just read your post and I feel EXACTLY the same. I had lots of symptoms before taking Levo - and when they told me that they were the result of an underachieve thyroid and could be fixed I was very happy. However, have now been taking Levothyroxine for about 7 weeks and my red puffy face is still here, I am putting on weight by the second, I ache, am exhausted and feel as if I could sleep forever. When I wake up, as you wrote, my body is awake....but it's not moving...I can't even open my eyes for a while.
Have booked to go back and see my GP on Thursday and am going to ask to be referred to an hormone specialist. The problem is that I don't know what I should be asking for......This is making me really, really sad.

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I would like to know how stopping Levothyroxin went for all of you. It is now June of 2015 and I have been on this medication for years. I believe I am having severe problems from taking it ......but what to do next.....I feel awful!

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I have had an acne problem too, but i tried proactive and it went away. Now i use acnefree cause its more affordable and it works just as good as the proactive. hope this helps

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I am so sorry, but it made me laugh when you said levothyroxine is satan could not help it. I too am on levothyroxin which i think is diffrent than levothyroxine.I was going to start taking garcinia cambogia to help me lose weight, but i find out people who are on levothyroxin cannot take garcinia. I never had a weight problem til i turned 40 and started taking levothyroxin among other medications.So i just hope you find the right medicine to help you one that does not have the kind of side effects you experienced previously.

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Please send me your info on that natural product you are taking.

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Having been on the lowest dose of 0.025 for one week, I can say this medication put me through hell. On the 6th day, my heart starting beating at a frightening rate and I had insomnia. I decided to try it again the next day, and had the same, but more elevated reaction. I will never take this again, no matter what the consequences. If unleashed on mankind, it will serve well the elite who want to diminish the earth's population.

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if it comes and goes maybe its hormonal? dont assume its the levothyroxine that could be a red herring

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I want to stop taking this medication, I've been on it for a month and a half. I have been having severe headaches, I look eight months pregnant, I am extra tired and when I wake up I am awake or at least an hour but unable to open my eyes or move (like in a coma), and my face is swollen and I am groggy. What are the effects of stopping?

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You can use Vantex bleaching cream by Fashion fair. you can order it on Ebay or get it from your local Macy's. its $26 and it clears up the acne in 3 weeks

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I switched from levothyroxine to Thyroid Complex.... I feel great !! Like all of you, I read a lot of opinions and was concerned to switch....this is my story... I was put on levothyroxine, 100 then 150. I had short breath, headaches and paranoia... one day, after more than 6 months on levo, I had enough and decided to switch to Thyroid Complex, found on any vitamin shop... I stopped levo and started TC the very next day. It's been 2 months now and none of the "dreadful" things that are supposed to happen to you, like missing levo, get into coma, plane crashes on your foot, bla bla bla, and all kind of horror story has happened to me. I feel great and don't have any of the side effects mentioned above. I'm on TC and plan to stay on it. No more synthetic drugs for me. This being said, people have suffered of hypothyroidism for as long as the world exists. For those who say that synthetic drugs are better, that's not true. Doctors were prescribing natural products before the synthetics ever existed. Because millions of people suffer from hypothyroidism, laboratories decided to manufacture the drug. And because of the competition, they also started to "reward" doctors for prescribing their drug. Yes, laboratories pay millions of dollars every year to doctors... that's why doctors prescribe them left and right.. and they spread the word of all those terrible things that "can" happen to you so to get you afraid of stopping the drug. This coma thing is very rare and is a very special condition that's gets diagnosed whether you are on thyroid drugs or not...it is not just because you stop levo that it will happen to you..... if you have thus condition, you would know because doctors would let you know. Making the change works great for me but it's everyone's decision to take. If it doesn't work for you, get back on levo, but I don't see why TC shouldn't work because if you read the composition of TC, it's exactly the same as for levo, except that ingredients are natural instead of synthetic....

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Ladies (and maybe some gents) - PLEASE hang in there with your meds. Many of you only seem to have taken Levothyroxine for a few weeks to a month and are expecting some miraculous cure! I felt exactly the same as you, itchy bumpy rash along my jaw, pimples on my neck, hair falling out, intollerance to foods (wheat - for months- which was a nightmre) but these are symptom of Hypothyroidism, not Levothyroxine (though I appreciate a small minority may have an allergy) after finally getting my levels correct at 100mg der day and 4 months of taking this dose AT NIGHT BEFORE BED, I cannot tell you how much my life has turned around. Healthy hair, clearer skin, less dry skin, more energy, positive happy attitude 97% of the time and the main thing for me, I am slowly losing a bit of weight and feel healthier than I have in years (I am now 34). Your body takes time to adjust to your meds and I am a big advocate of taking Levo just before bed with a glass of water - doing it this way has changed my life and I wake up BEFORE my alarm each morning having had a restful sleep. Of course I get the odd 'down' day, mainly a week before my 'monthly's', but who doesn't?
GOOD LUCK to you all and I genuinely hope you all get the same success as me, because Hypothyroidism is not pleasent and sadly is with us for life.

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I have adrenal insufficiency for 18 years now. Used to be told it was Secondary Addisons disease. I have just been put on Levo and 2nd week he increased it from 50 mg to 100mg and today I have headaches. Would like to know about your product.
I took prednisone for 17 yrs. until 2 years ago when I started with a doc (who has retired) that changed me to compound pharmacy cortisol and lots of things got better in cluding my skin thinness. I am 100lbs but have not gained yet on Levo but I don't want to gain...I am petite.

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