Levothyroxine Is Satan (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I don't feel so confused anymore. Now I know all of you are going through the same thing. My doctor put me on 50mcg of Levothyroxine about a month ago and I have gain 8 pounds! I get short-breathed and winded REALLY easily when working out. I used to go to the gym for 2 hours, now I can't make it longer than 30 minutes. I wake up ALL the time with tingly fingers because my hands have fallen asleep. I have headaches, I feel 100 times more lazy than before...and it's supposed to help your energy, not drain it. I e-mailed my doctor today, this is not making me happy. Not to mention I now have an acne type rash that burns like hell on my chin and I've always had clear skin. If this drug is supposed to make you feel better it sure as sh*t isn't working for me. I feel like a fat lazy a$$ with an itchhy burning rash on my face... stay away from this drug, that's my suggestion. :(

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I have handed my SYNTHROID over to Health Canada for testing, with proof of my serious adverse side effects, which Abbott Labs failed to report (against the regulations) . Going off SYNTHROID saved my life. Stay away from that crap, the company "mislabelled" thousands of bottles, and claim "no reports of harm". But they shred reports, so they dont affect their PROFITS.

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I take my thyroid tablet as soon as I get up Debs on an empty stomach, hope this helps x

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Get off of it ASAP!!! But ween yourself, don't go cold turkey. Get on Nature Throid. Not all docs prescribe it.

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ine was the opposite effect to you, I had all the nasty symptoms ie achy joints tingle arms and fingers and always tired, lethargic, and also overweight verging on a size 16 although I worked out 3 times a week. Since starting with Levo going from 25mcg to normal level of 125mcg for me, which is over a year ago now. I have bags of energy, lost 1 1/2 stone in weight attend gym 3 times a week as I always did before. I am always busy around the house and garden and taken on an allotment too. It has certainly given me a new lease of life and I am 67. I can only say you are being underdosed or the diagnoses is completely incorrect for you. I was given my Levo gradually starting at 25mcg after 6 weeks having a new blood test, then given 50mcg according to readings and so on blood tests being taken every 6 weeks until I was on the correct dose for me. It seems to me that some doctors do not take time in introducing this drug to their patients with drastic consequences. I would get another opinion if I were you because you must be suffering

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I have adrenal insufficiency for 18 years now. Used to be told it was Secondary Addisons disease. I have just been put on Levo and 2nd week he increased it from 50 mg to 100mg and today I have headaches. Would like to know about your product.
I took prednisone for 17 yrs. until 2 years ago when I started with a doc (who has retired) that changed me to compound pharmacy cortisol and lots of things got better in cluding my skin thinness. I am 100lbs but have not gained yet on Levo but I don't want to gain...I am petite.

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I want to stop taking this medication, I've been on it for a month and a half. I have been having severe headaches, I look eight months pregnant, I am extra tired and when I wake up I am awake or at least an hour but unable to open my eyes or move (like in a coma), and my face is swollen and I am groggy. What are the effects of stopping?

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So true. Been on it 15 yrs and just realized ive become bit over weight and lazy lazy. Cant dobl gym now and suffer from deeper depression than ever . Im 67 so ive screwd yp 15 years cos if this bloody drug. Ive stoppd now 7th day see if i can get a normal thyroid count without the drug

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i have your signs and symptoms and didn't relate it to my thyroid med. My migraines, wt gain, hands numbness & tingling, esp. In AM have All increased. I have brain fog and depression. I am stopping my med ASAP! Like NOW!!! We are human guinea pigs for the medical killaship!!! Prayers for you and others!!!! Be in good health!
Nurse Jackie

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My dr put me on this medication a week ago! My hands and fingers burn at night I've never had this to happened to me before!

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Went off levo last March now on armour no more weight gain or heart skipping beats. Can not believe the FDA allows this on market
Big pharma in the pockets of doctors insurance and yes FDA.

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So weird..I havent eaten for 24 hours....dont like this drug,but lost wait..

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I take only the brand name Synthroid 150mcg the last 10 years, due to an autoimmune disorder that has been killing off my thyroid. I have never had one bad effect, no acne, nothing. However I'm no longer losing my hair, I no longer have itchy dried out skin, my hormones levels are better so less mood swings, my weight has evened out, no more weight gain. All of my blood work is much better and shows I'm much healthier. My doctor stressed the importance of taking the brand name Synthroid and no generics, most insurance companies will allow you to switch over to Synthroid with or without a prior authorization from your doctor. I do wonder if these acne complaints are coming from folks who have hormonal issues anyway and low Thyroid levels were masking other hormonal issues. Synthroid helps to stabilize Hypothyroidism which in turn helps stabilize other hormones.....just like when I take Metformin which is a blood sugar medication and it causes me to start ovulating again and then I will have some acne because Metformin is used off label for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome because it works to normalize your hormones and help you ovulate. Many ladies have acne when they're properly ovulating. A healthy Thyroid gland helps regulate more than just your thyroid levels, therefore a medicine like Synthroid will help more than just your thyroid levels, it will affect other hormone functions as well. It's really easy to blame the medication for everything but you need to understand everything that the medication really does and all that it helps to regulate, off label. Synthroid has helped millions of people live a more normal life, it's not the devil, lol......If you don't like how your body responds to a particular medication then talk to your doctor and find an alternative if there is one. Trying to scare people and bash a highly successful medication such as the active ingredient in Synthroid is just not the answer.

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What would happen if we stop taking the Levothyroxine I find I'm tired, breathless, blurred vision some days even a kind of dizziness just feel awful, I take 50mg one day and 75 every other day. I cannot keep on top of things like housework, garden and I'm retired and have all day just no energy and limbs ache after small task.

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I understand as your symptoms are mine. Id love to stop my bones are so painful. No energy. Goin bk to doct today. I cant get armour natuural thyroid in NZ or Aus. Mite stop. Its killling us . Now im dizzy and swilken up like a beached whale.

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How did it go? My pain is worse now. I am call v my pharmacy to see if I can just switch to brand name synthroid. I will give that a chance to see if the debilitating side effects go away. ibwillbthek push for armor. This has been so much time out from loving a normal life. Life is too short and I will do what helps my body best to get out of this nightmare. Don't feel ashamed for being one of those that have a bad reaction to certain meds. We can feel free to express our feelings and experiences here thankfully. One of the few places we can share and have shared experiences and support.... complete understanding.

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You should talk to your doctor about your symptoms, chances are Synthroid or the generic if you take that is not the cause of all of your symptoms. If you believe that it is then have your doctor switch you to something else. If you are hypothyroid then you should be on something or you will get all of the hypo symptoms that your current medication is currently treating you for. The problem with these forums is that a lot of scary unproven stuff is thrown out there about certain medications when there is no actual proof that the medication is actually causing such symptoms. Posting such stuff only causes a mass hysteria when sometimes the very symptoms that a person is experiencing are actually symptoms that their health condition(s) causes in the first place. Unfortunately the only opinions that you will usually get from forums like this will be negative and will not always reflect how the masses feel about the medication, only the few that complain on community boards like this. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor and even your pharmacist about your concerns, most of the people on these boards are not qualified to give medical advice, only a few are. Just remember folks that are happy with Synthroid or a generic form of it are not the same people on boards like this complaining, there are hundreds of thousands of people on Synthroid that have zero problems with it with zero adverse reactions and are pleased with the medication, some of the discussions on boards like this are not fair and balanced and only frighten and scare people. Talk to your doctor to make sure that your symptoms are inline with the adverse reactions of the medication and not caused from something else. As for me I can only take the brand name, Synthroid and not the generic because I'm allergic to something in the binders of the generic. I wish you well!

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Here's a good read on the subject of Osteoporosis and Synthroid for Hypothyroidism. After reading most of the studies through the years it really doesn't look like much of a contributing factor. For example, http:/­/­www.thyroid-info.com/­articles/­osteoporosis.htm. I keep my levels between 1-2 so it looks like I'm fine plus my Dexa scans are good. I started getting them at 40. The problem has always been when you are over medicated or have hyperthyroidism. Most Doctors and Nurse Practitioners check this at least 1-2 times a year if you are stable and your numbers aren't all over the place. Synthroid has done an excellent job of keeping me stable for the last 8 years at only 100mcg, I respond very well to the brand name.

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Hi Sana, it sounds like you may be actually taking too much Synthroid. How long has it been since they checked your TSH, T3,T4 levels? You may be going into a Hyper state. For TSH Levels we like to see it around 1-2, this seems to be the sweet spot for energy and you'll overall just feel better, but some patients lose too much weight at this level and they would be better off having a TSH between 2-3. Does your heart race, any palpitations? It really depends on each individual. Most Hypothyroid patients would love to lose weight and expect to lose weight but Synthroid and other thyroid meds are not magic pills and most doctors solely treat you by your numbers and not so much what they find clinically. If you have a really good doctor they will not just treat you by your numbers. They take like 1000 people and do a Thyroid panel, then they arrive at scale that shows what the average normal levels are based on those 1000 people. This is good enough for most people but not everyone. Some people run 3.8 on the TSH panel and that's still considered normal but we know that many patients feel horrible in the upper normal range. How often is your Dr. Checking your Thyroid levels? Do you know what your last TSH numbers was? If you're below a 1.0 you have more of a chance of getting osteoporosis, heart issues, too much weight loss, when was the last time you had a full thyroid panel done with T3, T4?

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I have gained 50 lbs this past year. I overall feel horrible, I've been on levothyroxine for about a year and a half... I stopped it today, cold turkey! My blood work, so my Doctor said, was 'borderline' hypothyroid. That was 2 yrs ago... 'borderline'...this is bulls***. I never should of agreed to start this medication before seeing a specialist for thyroid disease. I made an appt. to see my doctor next week and will ask for a referral, BUT WILL NEVER GO BACK ON SYNTHROID! The other MAJOR side effect I experienced is upper body INTENSE HEAT, and my cheeks are always red and burning. My face is so bloated it hurts, my neck also! We know our bodies better than anyone!

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