Levothyroxine Dosage, M.e.- Adrenals


Hi there- I have suffered from M.E. for 11 years- which, I know, has very similar symptoms to hypothyroid- Anyway, I had to have blood tests done for a private clinic in 2010- My GP did these tests, but I was never called in to discuss the results... Luckily, my nutritionist picked up on the low level of serum ferritin(7) and started me on a gentle Iron preparation- But my TSH levels were 5.13 and T4 14- My M.E. seemed to be worsening, especially 'brainfog'- and I have been through the Menopause now- so I asked for more tests and my thyroid levels are now TSH 5.30 and T4 12-
I have had no help from my Doctors in 11 years so it was no surprise when, instead of calling in(I'mhousebound) A GP who I have never seen, rang me- Said it was 'my call' if I wanted to start medication as my levels were still just within normal- and if I did, I would be expected to book a blood test in 6 months time! The surgery is 'too overloaded' to book individual blood tests.... I have been given 25mcg Levothyroxine- My problem is I take 1mg Lorazepam in the morning and at night-and 75mg Dosulepin at night- and no-one has bothered to tell me if they interact with thyroxine- I am also very sensitive to all medication and even vitamin supplements- having to take minute doses- I can't take cold medication and I can't have adrenaline injections at dentist because I suffer from palpitations- Although I know my GP won't even acknowledge that Adrenal Fatigue exists- I am pretty sure it does- and I have it- I 'crash' when faced with any stressful situation- I am 'wired and tired' along with all the other symptoms of M.E.- and I am really scared to take the pills because of this- Treating thyroid without treating adrenals is potentially dangerous- But I don't know if I could afford more private tests like the 24 hour adrenal function- and then there's how to treat it- I am reading horror stories about thyroxine- and I am also aware of the dangers of untreated thyroid disease- I don't even know if I have auto immune thyroiditis- which seems likely with M.E.- My GP said if I didn't want to take tablets now it wouldn't harm me- It is a bit of a minefield- Any advice would be very welcome!

2 Replies

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I really can't advise you on the adrenals issue, since I am not familiar with it, at all.

But I can provide you with information on the medications, since that is my area and no, there is no interaction between the Levothyroxine and the other medications you take.

And rather than horror stories, I can provide you with a good link to learn more Levothyroxine details here.

Am I to assume that you are located somewhere with a public healthcare system and that's why there are such testing issues?

What particular horror stores have you read about the Levothyroxine that scare you? I may be able to help with more precise details.

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Thankyou for taking the time to reply- and for the piece about Levothyroxine- Although you say it doesnot interact with my medication, I see that tricyclic antidepressants are mentioned as 'increasing toxicity'- Dosulepin is a tricyclic- I cautious, as I said,I have been ill for 11 years-and have found I cannot tolerate some medications, vitamins or food- I have never been able to take any decongestant-as I get bad palpitations- Although I am aware when I should take Levo- I also take 1 mg Lorazepam in the morning-and have no idea if I should leave an interval between the 2 tablets- I have been told I can take12.5. Levo- as I am 'severely debilitated' -I was given this information by a private Doctor- My GP seems very limited in his knowledge about medication... I live in the UK-

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