Levothyroxine And Rapid Weight Loss


I am a 28 yr old mother of 3. I had my thyroid removed in 2004 im currently taking 100 mcg's of levothyroxine and for the past 4 months i've rapidly losst weight do i need to have my dosage lowered or increased. I feel depressed all the time and have no energy i dont know what to do i dont want to lose anymore weight i actually want to gain my weight back what do i do?

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Let me say that I can understand what you described and how you feel. I also had a full thyroidectomy and while I have not had the drastic changes you've experienced I have had weight fluctuation as well as what I would call moodiness.
How closely are you being followed by your endocrinologist(s)? If you have rapid weight loss combined with depression I would call the endocrinologist and get all of the necessary tests. Do you know what your last TSH level was and when it was taken?
Something has definitely changed over the last four months and I would imagine that only blood tests are going to reveal anything.
Please update your situation and I wish you the best. . .

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Yes, you should definitely be in close contact with your doctor to discuss these issues and make any dosage changes that may be necessary.


It may take some playing around to hit the right dose that works for you, without causing these other problematic issues.

When's the last time they did any blood work?

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I had a total thyroidectomy in August 2014 am on 100mcg thyroxine. before the surgery my blood work was normal but had recurrent multiple thyroid nodules . I feel bloated have gained weight and really want to lose. what do I do about the weight.

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I would like to know the answer to this also lost weight & don't want to, so I stoped taking levo, now I need to call for a physical

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