Levothyroxine 50mcg Abcd
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Hi, Im 15 and have been taking Levothyroxine 50mcg for over 3 years. When my doctor first old me that my thyroid was not working properly he said that it was overactive, he said something about it being at either 5 or 500. I'm not really sure. I do know that levithyroxine is for underactive thyroid though so I assume he meant I had an underactive and not overactive. I have several aunts that are on levothyroxine for underactive thyroid glands. I was told when I first started the medicine that I would lose weight when my thyroif began working properly. I have only gained weight since than. My doctor didn't really tell me how to take the medicine or what to take with it or really anything about it. The only thing he said was to take it in the morning before school. He has only checked my thyroid maybe twice after I started it. Is he supposed to check more often? I took it everyday for about a year but I had gained a lot of weight and got sick more often than before I started the medicine. After that I didn't really take it every day. I guess I just don't see it as that important but I don't know that much about it I was off of it for a couple weeks and felt just fine. But then my mom wanted me to start taking everyday I try to but on some days I don't because I don't think about it in the morning. Should I ask my doctor to check my thyroid?

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Thank you! I will be scheduling an appointment in about a week and I will definitely tell him about checking it.

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Hello, Nicole! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems that you've been having.

And yes, your doctor should be checking your thyroid hormone levels about every 3 months, via bloodwork, so your medication can be adjusted accordingly, if needed.

Learn more Levothyroxine details here.

If it hasn't been checked regularly and the dosage adjusted in accordance with the results, that could explain the problems that you've been having.

When do you see your doctor, again?

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