Levothroid Forums
Recently active Levothroid forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Levothroid and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Have been searching online but cannot find the identify of the above pill: blue scored oblong caplet-type pill with T4 on one side and either 9|0 or 0|6 on the reverse. ## Hi Maryel, Based on your description, I'm wondering if there's any chance that this pill might resemble a Levothroid tablet manufactured by Forest Labs Inc? One of the Levothroid tablets I'm thinking of is a white oblong/capsule shaped pill with T | 4 on one side (split by score line) and the number 50 on the other. It's about 10mm in size and appears to be available in different colors depending on the dosage. You can also pull up a few images on the internet to get a better visual... but please post back if that sounds like a possibility. Hope this helps! ## Thanks, David. I think I have it narrowed ...
Scored yellow caplet with T 4 on one side and 01 on other side. My girfriend said her dog took thyroxine at one time. Wondering if this is a loose tab found in cabinet or GF on drugs ## I have the same pills, prescribed to my dog, for a thyroid issue. ## @Mojojax, Just wanted to note that I came across a similar scored pill marked with T4 50 as opposed to T4 01; and this pill was was identified as Levothroid (Levothyroxine) 50 mcg (0.05 mg); used in the treatment of under-active thyroid. Perhaps your pill is just 0.01mg in reference to the imprint. Learn More: Levothyroxine Details I hope this bit of info helps!
I was cleaning some carpets and found a few of these and am curious to what they were. ## This tablet contains 50mcgs of Levothroid, which contains the active ingredient Levothyroxine and is used to treat Thyroid disorders. Learn more Levothyroxine details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
light blue oval small pill with T4 on one side and scored. Looks like "o" on each side of score. ## I can't find a listing that matches this description in our U.S. prescription drug databases. The T4 is the logo used on a medication called Levothroid, which contains Levothyroxine, it is used to treat Thyroid disorders. The one that comes close to this description has the T 4 on one side, separated by the score and 300 on the other. Can you please double check the imprint?
Started this drug 2 weeks ago and I feel like I am falling apart. Was taking it with an iron supplement as prescribed by my doctor. For the past week I've had soreness in the lower left abdominal region and at times, I feel a bit woozy Like a shakey feeling. It almost feels like I'm outside my self and it is very hard to explain. My mouth is very dry and I've developed acne on my chin and side of my mouth. I'm on a very small dosage, .05. What's going on with me? ## It can cause nervousness and palpitations, which could explain some of your symptoms, as well s the acne and dry mouth. It is, however, important to speak to your doctor about it, to make sure it is the medication and not some other medical condition, but what you are describing is commonly experienced by...
Wheat colored pill scored on one side with number 4. Numbers 125 on the other unscored side. Maybe a bit speckled. ## I located a similar pill based on the description above. The only difference is on the scored side of the pill there is a T on the left half of the score and the 4 is on the right. The un-scored side has 125 and the color is beige (wheat). The pill is noted to be Levothroid (0.125 mg). Levothroid is a hormone replacement usually given to patients with thyroid problems, such as hypothyroidism. You can view a more detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you. ## PERFECT FIT! ABSOLUTELY! THANK YOU! ## Anytime Joanne, I'm glad I was able to help you find ...