Levocarnitine Forums
Recently active Levocarnitine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Levocarnitine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.MY KNEE & ANKLES ARE PAINING CONTINEOUSLY I AM GETTING TROUBLE TO WALK ON STSIR CAUSES ## Have you seen a doctor to have a diagnosis as to what is causing your problem? Vitamin E and L-Carnitine are nutritional supplements, so they will only help if a lack of these vital nutrients has caused or is contributing to your problem. Learn more: ## My hamstrings and lower butt are paining when I walk even a short distance. My doctor prescribed Evion Lc for a short time and there was marhed improvement. Can I continue the treatment? My doctot is out of town and not reachable ## My doctor advised me to take Evion LC tabs only 10 tabs per month and to take further similar cource for 3 months and have a break for 3 months. I had problem of pain in legs and knees. Any specific reasons for such ...
21 REPLIES Updatedi m a hyperthyroid patient. doctor recommended dis capsules 2 me why? when i use 2 had dis tablet it effect on my face. pimples come on my face and also left scars. why? it means it is nt suit me?or some other reason?i m very worried abt dis. ## It is just a nutritional supplement, but those side effects are unusual. Did you ask your doctor why he wanted you to take it?
1 REPLY Updatedvitamin E actetate and Levocarnitine Tablets ## pls let us also know what is this drug & for whom it is usually presribed & what are it's advantages & side effects ËVION LC & EVION ## Sorry, this is not a medication available in the US, this they are not regulated like US drugs are and it is hard to find any information about it. I would recommend checking with a doctor or pharmacist to see if they can help provide you with more information. ## Side effects of Evion Lc ## iam taking this medicine for the past one month for infertility. i want to know the side effects of the tablet. ## iam having bladder neck obstruction sothat causing my both kidneysand back painurologist urologist gave me evion lc iam taking 1 tablet orally itcause obstruct the urinetell me u r...
6 REPLIES Updatedcarnicor 330mg ## This contains the active ingredient Levocarnitine, it is a nutritional supplement used to ensure that you are taking un enough of this vital nutrient and prevent the illnesses associated with being deficient in it. You can read more on it here: Do you have any questions?
1 REPLY Updated