Levlen Forums
Recently active Levlen forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Levlen and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi I have been on Levlen for 11 days now. I know this isn't very long but I have been experiencing most of the side effects listed including severe nausea, a little bit of vomiting, headaches and mood swings. However I also experience major fatigue and my period has lasted me for 11 days. I know I should go to a doctor but cannot right now. I have decided to stop taking it because I don't think it is right for me. I am quite worried about my period lasting so long and quite want it to stop as it has started giving me cramps. Any ideas for how to make this bleeding stop? ## Have you consulted your doctor? Levlen is a hormonal based contraceptive and the side effects you are experiencing, including the breakthrough bleeding, can be normal for the first 3 months, while your body ad...
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