Leva-Pak Forums
Recently active Leva-Pak forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Leva-Pak and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.antibiotic drug ## Are you possible referring to Leva-Pak, which contains the antibiotic Levofloxacin? Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and headache. ## Hi, This is Sulaksha here from Goa. from last 4 days i have got one knot near my nech,& my doctor told me to do X-Ray & Blood test so I did .and he told me that every thing is normal but still i am afraid thats why i was checking the pills which he has given is what type of tablets.b'coz. I thought that it was cancer but my doctor told me that dont worry it is just infection. ## hey sulaksha, amazing.....thats exactly what happened 2 me am on my second day of levobact and am so dizzy and nautious, i had 2 google the drug.......phew thank god i dont have to worry, my only worry is.......