Leprosy Forums
Recently active Leprosy forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Leprosy and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.what could be the problem with my son 12 years who has a skin disease on the whole body it appears black patches they have been on his body for more than a year he has been given some medication on that but they still cant clear the doc say its not fungal and not in the blood he says its alleges. ## when I was about 6 I had something similar. my mother sent me to Puerto Rico and my grandmother put me in the ocean several times a day. after about two months it was all gone. my family says I had it for about two years and were scared that it was some kind of leprosy but thank God I am ok and none of my kids have ever gotten it. I see pictures of myself back then and I get terrified. no doctors could diagnose the problem. the ocean water saved my life. ## You people really need to use spel...
One side says jacobus and the other has 10 110. It's a scored oval tablet. ## This is a 100mg Dapsone tablet, it is an antibacterial that's usually prescribed with others to treat TB. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and rash. Is there anything else I can help with? ## This drug is "3,4-diaminopyridine", an orphan drug for Eaton-Lambert syndrome produced by Jacobus Pharmaceutical Company. THE OTHER POST IS INCORRECT -- Dapsone 100mg tab by Jacobus would have 100 101 marking and is round. You can view an image of the pill by clicking on the following National Drug Code link: 54868-3801.
I've suffered from dermatitis herpetaphormis for 35 years. The price of Dapsone has gone through the roof. Jacobus was the only maker for years. Now other companies are making the drug. Correct? My pharmacist says no, but I saw different manufacturers. Is there a buyer's club or something? I must have this but cant afford the new increase in price. Can someone help me? ## No, there is no buyers club, but yes, you are correct, the tablets are being manufactured by 3 other companies, Fera Pharmaceuticals, Nsotrum Laboratories, and Virtus Pharmaceuticals, according to NIH listings. Have you tried a different pharmacy? Another one might be more helpful regarding checking various prices for you. What is your current pharmacy charging for it?
My nerve is damage due to leprosy so my doctor advised me to take neugaba 75mg. I have taken this medicine before for 8 months but have not gotten any relief. I have tingling in my leg. What else can I do? Is neugaba 75 safe for me or not? ## If it didn't work for you before, it isn't likely to work for you, now. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight gain. Are you on any other medications? How often has your doctor told you to take this one?
Has anyone experienced any side effects while using Aczone and/or Atralin? I've been having some symptoms but I'm not sure if they are drug related or just sinus/cold related. I've been using the topicals for 6 weeks now and last week I began having bone aches/chills, slight fever, tiredness, sore throat, back tightness, and for a couple of days a strong urine smell. Those seem to have subsided but now I have a persistent headache (I never get headaches) and a dry cough. ## Have you talked to your doctor? Since they are both topical formulations, you really shouldn't absorb enough of the relevant medications to cause such severe side effects. This makes me suspect that they were probably more related to the cold/sinus issues. How are the headaches, have they improved any...
I am 60 years old presuming fit by appearance, but for 3yrs I've been suffering with dermatitis, mostly in the winter. I have intervals of relief. I took: vitamin A, hydro., levo cetri, avil, dapsone tabs, etc, with application of clobeta prop, salicyclic acid, halobeta & venusiya max creams under regular administration of my Dermatologist. My problems are on & off. I've been taking Hypertension drugs for 10 years and have had Cervical/Lumber Neurological Claudication Diseases for 5 years. An expert's advice is needed please.
Updated in DapsoneI had lepracy 2yr before but my feet &hand do not get the sensation properly as my vein have been damage can I take neurobin & when should I take will it help me ## Hello, Naina! How are you? Leprosy can cause permanent nerve damage, but I am sorry that you're having to deal with its effects. As to the Neurobion, it is a complex of B vitamins that are known to help with nerve health and function, so it could help, but there's no way to know, until you try it. The FDA warns that it may cause nausea, due to its potency. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I get numbness under my feet.at night.is tis tablet gud..how long does it take to work
In wichita ks,need pain doc quickly. Been taking oxy and hydro 10s for 25 yrs. Moved here from el paso( big mistake ) and it's like I'm a leper asking for my my meds. Help! ## Hello, Deb! How are you? I am very sorry about the problem that you're having. However, if you're asking for specific medications in specific dosages up front, you are going to keep getting that type of reaction. Doctors will view that as being drug seeking behavior. What you need to do is set up an appointment with a new doctor and make sure that they receive a full copy of your most current medical records, without asking about such medications ahead of time. Once you go to your appointment and they've reviewed your records, then you can discuss your treatment options. When they can see what ...
Are there any ladies out there who have been taking Dapsone whilst pregnant and if so have the babies been born healthy? My GP and Dermatologist have informed me that Dapsone tablets are safe to take. Is this true? ## Hi Kim , I have just found out I'm pregant. I've been taking daspone for 17 years for a skin condition. I did stop when i had my son 12 years ago but i suffered and was ill all the way through my pregnancy. How did you get on if you don't mind my asking? I would really appricate your advice! I need to speak to my doctor again about it she had told me if I take folic acid for the 9 months it should be ok. Hope you get this messege thanks Paula xx
my hand shakes while writing,so it is impossible for me to write without taking my dosage of Ciplar LA-40 & Lonazep 0.25mg.I want to know is this right drug for me. Please advice. ## I have suffered Leprosy and my right hand palm has gone deformed specialy fingers and palm and i have alot difficulty in writing with a pen specially infront of people. I have gone through surgery to make my fingers able to straight and it was successfull. but my writing problem has so far increased and i must say it has affected my life badly. I am undergoing treatment for last 1 and 1/2 years and my doctor has advised me to take Ciplar la 80 twice a day with 1 tab lonajep .25 every day. but I still have somuch problem. I have sconsulted both Neurologist as well as Psychatrist during my treatment. kind...
im taking dapsone now,and 2 months from now my husband and i arrive from saudi and where planning to have a baby is dapsone safe while im planning to get pregnant ## Have you discussed it with your doctor? They would be the person best able to advise you on this matter. Dapsone is a type of antibacterial that is commonly used with other medications to treat various conditions, such as leprosy, malaria and acne. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, rash and insomnia. Learn more:
Found pills in daughters room, one is small round and has the text jacobus on one side and on the other it says 25/102. The second pill is a yellow oval it says e/60 ## Jacobus 25102 contains 100mgs of Dapsone, this is an anti-mycobacterial, most commonly used in combination with other drugs to treat conditions such as Leprosy. Common side effects may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and insomnia. You can read more here: ## E 60 contains 60mgs of Isosorbide, a generic for Imdur, this is an anti-anginal medication. Common side effects may include: nausea, headache, fatigue and dizziness. You can read more here: Did you have any other questions?