Lannett Adderall Reviews (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedToday I picked up my 20mg x 2 daily adderall IR Instead of my usual adderall made by teva brand i was given a new type that I have never had before... It's supposedly a newer generic version from Lannett pharmaceuticals. It looks just like teva accept it's a lighter shade of peach color and it doesn't have that sweet flavor. It's more chalky like..its early evening and I decided to try one two hours have gone by and still nothing. Humm my question is has anyone else had the opportunity to try these newer version of adderall 20mg from Lannett pharmaceuticals? I will come back in a hour or so and give an update..oh i read a different blogpost and have read that some actually liked it better than teva brand but wished for the sweet taste but they claimed to like it so let's see what others have to say thx for your opinion.
Re: Rcma (# 18)
Lannett bought out TEVA so there will be no more TEVA as we know it. Some pharmacies still some left over, but few - I tried for 90 pill of IR 20s and they could only fill 87 because that's all the had left. So, you'll have to try Lannett if you want to stick with the same 'ingredients' or the original manufacturer's 'recipe,' or try another brand. I heard from my this from my doctor, psychiatrist, and online. Also, I was instructed to try Lannett because it was a financial/business transaction and not a manufacturing decision. Personally, I'm doing that next refill. They are apparently the same so why mess with the 'original' formula??? You can obviously try another brand, but I see that as starting from scratch. Just my opinion based on professionals opinions.
Re: Roy (# 25)
Misinformation alert. Those articles are from 2019 and they absolutely do not say that lynette is identical to teva. No no no. It is simply acknowledging that adderall is the brand name and it is made by teva. Period.
Only in fda authorized generic is the identical pill to the brand name. I need approved generic is just a copycat. Lannett is not an authorized generic for teva's adderall not is it identical to teva's generic adderall. **** this is how misinformation begins. See...
Awful brand. Poor quality.
Re: Alex (# 54)
Not true. Patently untrue statement. I personally consult with cvs pharmacists throughout Florida and Massachusetts. If Cardinal is supplying them, the preferred generic is no longer Teva. 50 states. Lots of CVS stores. Please don't spread unverified and unverifiable misinformation like "most CVS stores have Teva." Call ant CVS and ask the ordering pharmacist what the preferred generic is for Adderall. Probably Lannett.
I believe i started this forum? I thought I did, but I don’t remember my log in.and, I’d never accept lannet again!! Still have an entire month ago wasted bottle,Lannet- how dare they use the imprint of teva is that even legal? It was horrid I knew immediately it was a joke. Thought I was being poisoned. Taste awful, the imprint rubs off as well.
Re: Walgreenie (# 74)
Lannett usually available at CVS and Walgreens. The pharmacist can tell you what their supplier will deliver because only Cardinal, McKesson and AmerisourceBergen supply and EACH has a "preferred generic brand". It's changing constantly based on who they can negotiate best prices with. Aurobindo is worst imo..
Why do you dislike Teva may I ask? Teva actually now makes the real brand name Adderall so its generic is actually identical to the true brand.
THIS generics situation has become insane since 2014is... More recently. it's ACTUALLY's like suddenly only having one shampoo to choose, or 1 allergy pill OTC. So we can choose UNLIMITED #s of shampoo, dish soap etc...but only 1 manufacturer for a medication?! That's insane but it's all about $$.
Re: Walgreenie (# 76)
Sorry to hear it. AURO is the WORST for me too. I unfortunately put a lot of time into this because I don't wanna get stuck with crap. Here is what I know from talking with pharmacists (I'm friendly with them and they tell me everything).
1. Every pharmacy has a preferred generic with their supplier and and it changes based on manufacturer rebates rebates and supply/demand. It's a revolving door, changes often.
2. SOME pharmacies (usually them supermarkets) are more flexible than CVS and Walgreens. STOP AND SHOP will order your preferred brand in my experience.
3. If you say to a pharmacist "I have bad reactions to the fillers and binders in certain brands and can take Lannett" they'll tell you. If they won't go elsewhere.
4. If your doctor is sympathetic like mine, as the the Rx be written DAW with the NDC CODE. The pharmacist will usually order it but not promise it will be delivered.
5. Do you have insurance? If so try their mail order.
6. Always try to get a two month supply.
7. The laws are different by State but usually the pharmacy will tell you in person what they can do.
8. Generics can very 10% up or down so it sounds like TEVA dose may need 5mg up, Auro 5mg down.
I'm NOT suggesting you adjust your dosage. I am saying that legally no two generics have to identical. There can legally be a 20% difference in active ingredients!
I have actually considered switching to Vyvanse since it's not generic. The chasing a Brand gets ridiculous and it's all about pricing and profit.
Re: Rcma (# 77)
Thank you SO much for your help. I’m glad there’s people I can talk to understand what we deal with!! Spoke to a pharmacist today, who said Walgreens are phasing out Lannett in favor of Camber aka Ascent. Also, they still have Teva. I requested Camber… Fingers crossed that it’s not another dud. I will report back with results when I pick it up…
Re: Rcma (# 77)
I agree 110%! Auro is THE worst!
Re: HCStymie (# 98)
Total agreement. And to my knowledge there is no equivalency test. ANDAs are given based on PAPER applications. Not actual pill samples. AURO IS USELESS.
"They pass the bioequivalence tests and get approved, the FDA leaves it up to the pharma companies to self regulate. (FDA is underfunded and can't handle the volume otherwise.)"
I currently have 20mg IR by Teva. They are not sweet and wear off in 3 hours. Last month I had 30mg IR by Teva from Walgreens who no longer have them. Not sweet but better than the 20mg I got this month. I am going to ask my new pharmacy if they can get the Lannett/Elite. Camber and Mallinkrodt we're worthless and terrible, respectively.This monthly struggle is getting old.
Re: Charlie (# 3)
If we tell everyone we don’t get our meds
Re: Rcma (# 10)
Thank you for giving me a reason to laugh today . Up to 40% different yet it’s exactly the same ? I’m well aware of the ratio . Ignorance has nothing to do with the patent either .
Re: nickname (# 17)
I called TEVA in March I believe.
Note on Suppliers: Pharmacists are not forthcoming because they all receive their orders from Amerisourcebergen, McKesson or Cardinal wholesalers. The wholesalers are the supply chain to the retailers. Walmart, CVS and Walgreens don't necessarily use the same wholesalers so shopping around is a good idea. Pharmacists will generally tell you which supplier they use. Walmart for example often uses multiple suppliers. Bottom line, one supplier may have your TEVA, while another will not. Unfortunately, Lannett, Aurobindo and KVK Tech are often cheap due to manufacturer "rebates"... The industry as a whole is mess to be honest, it's close to legal racketeering imo. You can actually find out the cost per pill being charged to the actual pharmacy, and compare it to what you pay. Believe it or not, sometimes the pharmacy is making $10 or less! So there is definitely a big financial issue impacting which brand you get! Manufacturer sells to Wholesalers then they sell to Retailer and they sell to you. Then the insurance pharmacy benefit manager (usually Caremark, Express Scripts, Optum) decides what THEY will reimburse the pharmacy. Often $10! Bottom line is this:. TEVA may be available at different pharmacies because of wholesalers/suppliers.
I know Lannett looks like TEVA. Good imposter haha. It's IR. I'm only talking IR here.
Next, TEVA will often be available in a different milligram than your rx. Pharmacists will say "I have it in 20s and 30s but not 10s" ONLY if you or doctor ask. That's why I finally had my doctor write DAW + the FDA NDC#. If you can get TEVA in a higher dosage, less tabs and split them, then do it. Point is that it's THE BRAND you're caring about.
Here is a link for Dextroamphetamine Sulfate. This is 75% of generic Adderall and really the main ingredient IMO. it tends to work more on the Central Nervous System (CNS) so it is often less speedy/jittery than Adderall, giving the alertness without as much caffeinated feeling .... everyone is different tho. Adderall is D-anmphetamine and L-amphetamine. Dextroamphetamine Sulfate is 100% D-anmphetamine.
Good luck!
Re: S (# 41)
Part of it is Genotype, epigenetics and Pharmacogenomics.
Quality of ingredients and manufacturing standards matter, but our unique genetic soup impacts everything - for example some are genetically predisposed to high placebo effect. Modafanil, for example, is ineffective for me and it was interesting to see I have a genetic variant associated with low response to Modafanil. Also, nobody seems to acknowledge that even the Hallowed TEVA doesn't have the same effect every day. Weather, sleep, diet, stress levels, exercise, and unlimited # of variables make some days perfect and others impossible. Even with the SAME medication brand.
Pharmacogenomics is the study of how a person's unique genetic makeup (genome) influences his or her response to medications.
Re: Sash (# 48)
what else have you tried in terms of generic Adderall that seems to work? In addition, if nothing works for me, I'm thinking of trying Ritalin again... it wasn't so effective the first round, but I don't remember how it was in comparison to the crappy Adderall they have out now.
Re: Jeno712003 (# 49)
Even though it’s not the old back in the day same formula, the sandoz * e404 circle orange wafers are still effective for just about anyone I know will accept that generic
I get the orange oval footballs because I never reacted well to fillers in other meds. I also have to get brand extended release -every month since I was a kid and they’re always reliable. The pink epic are ok give me headaches though
Re: debralar (# 59)
Oh no! Terrible and I''m scared of this potential switch. I am still luckily able to get TEVA, so I'm not sure what to expect if and when I have to switch. I'm hearing the dosages or not equal meaning that 20 mg of TEVA is not the same efficacy as 20 mg of Lannett. Are you finding Lannett weaker?
Re: Jess (# 16)
So I been taking adderall all my life, got off of it for about 5 months because of a car accident. I started back on it about a month ago and my first one was Lannett and I started having serious allergic reactions to it. So I switched to another manufacturer but can’t remember the name of it and had allergic reaction again. I've been on adderall all my life and never had this problem until I started back on it. Do you know what this could be?
Re: S (# 68)
30mg Tabs
That's TEVA imprint
That's Lannett imprint
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