Lannett Adderall Reviews (Page 2)
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Today I picked up my 20mg x 2 daily adderall IR Instead of my usual adderall made by teva brand i was given a new type that I have never had before... It's supposedly a newer generic version from Lannett pharmaceuticals. It looks just like teva accept it's a lighter shade of peach color and it doesn't have that sweet flavor. It's more chalky like..its early evening and I decided to try one two hours have gone by and still nothing. Humm my question is has anyone else had the opportunity to try these newer version of adderall 20mg from Lannett pharmaceuticals? I will come back in a hour or so and give an update..oh i read a different blogpost and have read that some actually liked it better than teva brand but wished for the sweet taste but they claimed to like it so let's see what others have to say thx for your opinion.

110 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Rcma (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

This is so messed up. They should all work the same!

Here's what I say: Controlled substance? Yeah right!

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Has anyone gotten RHODES?
This never ends. Just when I finally find a consistent supplier they change brands again.

Rhodes is totally new to me.

Teva/Barr is my preference.
Lannett is workable.

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Re: Truth (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. It IS about poor generics. That is precisely the subject. Agree.

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Re: JD (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

That's not what this is.

When a person is using it to have a functioning brain, they can notice when it's not working as it should. The same amount works for years, and then one day their brain just doesn't function correctly, plus a bunch of side effects that make them feel ill.

Used medically, it has nothing to do with wanting more of the drug. For ADHD, anything above the effective dose will make the condition worse. It has everything to do with the drug being the same drug that the doctor prescribed and intended the patient to have. That is currently not happening. We're talking about problems with the actual medication.

Also...It has nothing to do with addiction, but thank you very much for illustrating the theory on how they're getting away with this... just brush them off as addicted drug seekers...

...and the rest of the patients are kids, nobody will listen to kids... just brush them off as acting up or not responding to the drug...

...then eventually after enough patients are taken off the drug due to poor response, they can take IR Adderall off the market because they think that will solve the drug epidemic (spoiler: it won't...just like their other brilliant ideas that have killed thousands of people).

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Re: JD (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

Respectfully, disagree. I explained biochemistry and metabolism and proper dosages. I passed along sound medical practice to determine proper dosages. Everyone has a unique epigenetic profile and their age, diet, lifestyle, other medications, DNA, and more contribute to their tolerance or intolerance to everything from caffeine to sunlight to gluten to pollen etc. Put simply, an optimal dosage should have a smooth rise and smooth landing. No "speedy jolt" and killer crash w/craving for more. Is that is happening -- biochemically / metabolically speaking -- then the dosage is too high or the person's body is highly alkaline, which accelerates the metabolism of amphetamine. Same happens with excess sugar and insulin rebound ... sugar high, sugar blues. It's metabolic. Addiction is very different... If someone is addicted to a high.... adducted to an EXCESSIVE dosage, that's a completely different subject. I am strictly referring to biochemistry and metabolism. Not psychological dependence. If you had two cups of coffee you might feel really high but chances are you would definitely crash and want more because it's strictly biochemical. A Sympathomimetic process impacting dopamine and neurotransmitters. Addiction is a psychological need for a mental state, And whatever causes it from chocolate to exercise to cigarettes to sex. Dependence is a biological biochemical need for something that produces a neuroendocrine situation in your body.

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Re: Rcma (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

THAT JUST MEANS YOU HAVE A ADDICTION PROBLEM IF you want more coffee like you say as an example. After my cup in the morning im done.

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Re: Walgreenie (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Never got lannett and hopefully never will after reading some comments. Been going to the same walgreens for years now and always TEVA in southwest florida. I just picked up my monthly script last week..TEVA b 973 20 mgs stamp, with a sweet after taste

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Re: Rcma (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

I agree 110%! Auro is THE worst!

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Re: Walgreenie (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

That hangover is a classic side effect of
1) dosage too high
2) immediate release is being metabolized more quickly, so you get the jolt "it's working I feel it" and the hangover as you call it. Specifically the active ingredients are being metabolized in a shorter period of time so it's spike/crash. That's a red flag for Adderall. When people say "it doesn't work" sometimes it's because it's metabolized slowly. You never feel kick. Example... Drink a cup of strong coffee and you're zippy and want more in 3 to 5 hrs. Or drink 2oz of same coffee every 30 min. Same dosage of caffeine but never get a kick but never crash either. So it's possible your body oh levels are metabolizing it faster. More alkaline increases rapid uptake of amphetamine, so taking TUMS with Adderall will put MORE into bloodstream faster. This can be dangerous too. Not a doctor but I learned all this over 12 yrs

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Re: Jr (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

I believe it is manufactured by Ascent and distributed by Camber, so the bottle says Camber.

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Re: Jr (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens was able to do a partial fill of Lannett and a partial of Camber. I haven’t taken Camber by itself yet, I took half of one Camber with Lannett half, but I can tell a difference. Camber actually works. The only side effect is kind of a physical hangover feeling. Some pressure behind the eyes, feels just like a hangover. Other people have talked about it before online and now I know what they mean. But I’m willing to deal with that since it at least works. Pharmacist said they’re probably not gonna be getting Lannett anymore at Walgreens pharmacies. She said the generic market for Adderall is just too competitive and that Camber/Ascent probably offers it cheaper now.

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Re: Walgreenie (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

What are your thoughts on Camber? And are they the same as Ascent? Which pharmacy has it?

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Re: Rcma (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you SO much for your help. I’m glad there’s people I can talk to understand what we deal with!! Spoke to a pharmacist today, who said Walgreens are phasing out Lannett in favor of Camber aka Ascent. Also, they still have Teva. I requested Camber… Fingers crossed that it’s not another dud. I will report back with results when I pick it up…

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Re: Walgreenie (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear it. AURO is the WORST for me too. I unfortunately put a lot of time into this because I don't wanna get stuck with crap. Here is what I know from talking with pharmacists (I'm friendly with them and they tell me everything).

1. Every pharmacy has a preferred generic with their supplier and and it changes based on manufacturer rebates rebates and supply/demand. It's a revolving door, changes often.
2. SOME pharmacies (usually them supermarkets) are more flexible than CVS and Walgreens. STOP AND SHOP will order your preferred brand in my experience.
3. If you say to a pharmacist "I have bad reactions to the fillers and binders in certain brands and can take Lannett" they'll tell you. If they won't go elsewhere.
4. If your doctor is sympathetic like mine, as the the Rx be written DAW with the NDC CODE. The pharmacist will usually order it but not promise it will be delivered.
5. Do you have insurance? If so try their mail order.
6. Always try to get a two month supply.
7. The laws are different by State but usually the pharmacy will tell you in person what they can do.
8. Generics can very 10% up or down so it sounds like TEVA dose may need 5mg up, Auro 5mg down.
I'm NOT suggesting you adjust your dosage. I am saying that legally no two generics have to identical. There can legally be a 20% difference in active ingredients!

I have actually considered switching to Vyvanse since it's not generic. The chasing a Brand gets ridiculous and it's all about pricing and profit.

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Re: Rcma (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the info! Do you mean that Walgreens can only order one generic brand at a time? Do you think they could still order Lannett (or any other non Teva brand)? CVS said they don’t have Lannett and it’s exclusive to Walgreens, they only have Aurobindo.
I’ve always liked Teva when I got it a few years back! Until this month, when Walgreens filled with Teva instead of Lannett. I kept waiting for it to kick in… it never did. So one day, I took an old Lannett pill I had instead, and was back to normal. these last 3 weeks have been a nightmare. Got pulled over twice, a speeding ticket (haven’t had one in 15 years!), etc

Aurobindo is the worst I’ve tried. unlike Teva, it does something, but put me in the worst mood. I had just switched pharmacies and that was all that CVS carried. Needless to say that was the last month I filled at CVS. I just wish I could know WHICH pharmacies have WHAT, typically they don’t tell you over the phone

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Re: Walgreenie (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Lannett usually available at CVS and Walgreens. The pharmacist can tell you what their supplier will deliver because only Cardinal, McKesson and AmerisourceBergen supply and EACH has a "preferred generic brand". It's changing constantly based on who they can negotiate best prices with. Aurobindo is worst imo..

Why do you dislike Teva may I ask? Teva actually now makes the real brand name Adderall so its generic is actually identical to the true brand.

THIS generics situation has become insane since 2014is... More recently. it's ACTUALLY's like suddenly only having one shampoo to choose, or 1 allergy pill OTC. So we can choose UNLIMITED #s of shampoo, dish soap etc...but only 1 manufacturer for a medication?! That's insane but it's all about $$.

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Re: Rcma (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you pick up your Lannett? I have filled Teva and hate it. I want Lannett back!!!

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Re: Charlie (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

Charlie I called around and Publix can get TEVA. Tell pharmacist that your doctor says you need TEVA and they'll tell you if it's their preferred generic. CVS and Walge will NOT get TEVA.

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You are not alone as this has been an issue for me as well but more so with Lanett. I have filed numerous complaints with the FDA but it does no good. I'm going to have mine tested to see if there is any true medicine in the generic vs a bunch of fillers. The big pharma's try and screw with people's minds.

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Today I finally got my D-Amphetamine 20mg from Walgreens here in Florida after waiting two weeks for them. Walgreens always has Lannett pharma and today they gave me a round peach color with the imprint T 375. By Ascent pharmaceutical? I have never heard of them before are they any good? I just took two and I will see what happens!

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