Lannett Adderall Reviews (Page 3)


Today I picked up my 20mg x 2 daily adderall IR Instead of my usual adderall made by teva brand i was given a new type that I have never had before... It's supposedly a newer generic version from Lannett pharmaceuticals. It looks just like teva accept it's a lighter shade of peach color and it doesn't have that sweet flavor. It's more chalky like..its early evening and I decided to try one two hours have gone by and still nothing. Humm my question is has anyone else had the opportunity to try these newer version of adderall 20mg from Lannett pharmaceuticals? I will come back in a hour or so and give an update..oh i read a different blogpost and have read that some actually liked it better than teva brand but wished for the sweet taste but they claimed to like it so let's see what others have to say thx for your opinion.

110 Replies (6 Pages)

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Yes! So much weaker almost feels completely fake. I was shocked at how night and day they felt compared to one another. However, others I know cleaned their entire house and did their studies efficiently, so no clue what genetic chemistry makeup one possibly has to make one generic efficient versus completely ineffective and piss off the next patient. Dunno, such a mystery

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Re: S (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Part of it is Genotype, epigenetics and Pharmacogenomics.

Quality of ingredients and manufacturing standards matter, but our unique genetic soup impacts everything - for example some are genetically predisposed to high placebo effect. Modafanil, for example, is ineffective for me and it was interesting to see I have a genetic variant associated with low response to Modafanil. Also, nobody seems to acknowledge that even the Hallowed TEVA doesn't have the same effect every day. Weather, sleep, diet, stress levels, exercise, and unlimited # of variables make some days perfect and others impossible. Even with the SAME medication brand.

Pharmacogenomics is the study of how a person's unique genetic makeup (genome) influences his or her response to medications.

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Hello…I have been taking Teva 20 mg for a few years and last month was given Lannett instead. I was very skeptical at first but I actually like it better than the Teva brand. It’s slower to get in your system (someone suggested chewing it) but it lasts longer and it puts me in a calmer mood than the Teva IR.

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Horrible. It’s so weird and chalky and I fell asleep over and over day after day, I ended up tossing it out. Did you find it helpful? So strange how we all react so differently with our body chemistry.

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Re: T (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Strange. Maybe I had a bad batch, I tossed it out last month and refuse it. Everyone has absolutely diff reactions it’s amazing how different. I don’t prefer any brand over a next, specifically because “I’ll take whatever helps me function to treat my adhd” so I’m open however, honestly the lannett version put me straight to nap

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Re: Rcma (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

It’s very not effective I find the white more affective than lannet just bc jt has the teva imprint itself, is such a joke

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Re: Rcma (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Yep, you’re answer is very accurate! Thank you for clarifying and sharing this insightful very true post. :)

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Re: Jeno712003 (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. Lannett makes them. I KNOW - I WAS GIVEN something very ineffective equivalency-wise in treating my adhd

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Re: Sash (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

what else have you tried in terms of generic Adderall that seems to work? In addition, if nothing works for me, I'm thinking of trying Ritalin again... it wasn't so effective the first round, but I don't remember how it was in comparison to the crappy Adderall they have out now.

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While each batch is prepared separately the generic is still the lacking pharmaceutical . The chemical compound tells on them . Look it up!

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Re: Jeno712003 (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Even though it’s not the old back in the day same formula, the sandoz * e404 circle orange wafers are still effective for just about anyone I know will accept that generic

I get the orange oval footballs because I never reacted well to fillers in other meds. I also have to get brand extended release -every month since I was a kid and they’re always reliable. The pink epic are ok give me headaches though

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Re: Rcma (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Vyvanse is so much cleaner feeling and good balance without having to take many doses throughout day, but I tried the switch and got awful migraines unfortunately

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Pretty much says it all. Don't ever let your MD or Pharmacist tell you otherwise....


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Re: Charlie (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Most CVS pharmacies have Teva.

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I have heard that peach adderall are not authentic . Make sure the imprint is visible and consult the pharmacist. These are not available to be sent to your mailbox so there should be a human that is accountable for answering your questions.

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Re: Sash (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

I am so glad you responded! So if I were to relay to my doctor what I choose, I should say 'sansoz" and that's it, besides the fact i take much better to IR? Sorry for not understanding initially. Appreciated. Hope to hear back!

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Re: Sash (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

That’s because it isn’t a stimulant

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Re: Sash (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Adult Ritalin not as effective or of acclimated quality. It’s similar to turning the volume up without adjusting the bass and tremble also. Louder (more focused) but not distinct or specific

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Re: Jeno712003 (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Curious to know if the Lannett Adderall worked for you. I just received the generic Lannett and its horrible. 20 mg's 3 times a day. Does absolutely nothing. If anything I have been in bed sleeping for 2 days :(

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Re: debralar (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

Oh no! Terrible and I''m scared of this potential switch. I am still luckily able to get TEVA, so I'm not sure what to expect if and when I have to switch. I'm hearing the dosages or not equal meaning that 20 mg of TEVA is not the same efficacy as 20 mg of Lannett. Are you finding Lannett weaker?

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