Lannett 0597 Not Working Like Others (Top voted first)


I just started taking the 30 mg phentermine, (Lannett 0597) pills and they are not working at all like the phentermine I took on and off from 1999 to 2006. These are making me feel awful, jittery, nervous, upset stomach, not much energy at all and not curbing my appetite like the phentermine pills I used to take. I am not sure what to think. I used to take the white pills with little blue speckles in them and they worked great without any of the above side effects. If anyone can offer an explanation for why these are so different from the others and making me feel this way without the benefits, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, do you think changing to another form might help? thanks

3 Replies

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Our bodies do change with time, so it could be that this medication just doesn't work for you, anymore.

Alternatively, this one manufactured by Lannett is listed as containing 30mgs of Phentermine, so it may be a lower dose than what you used to take.

What you've described are the typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, you may also experience insomnia and headache.

How long have you been taking it?

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I have taken it for 4 days but it is making me feel awful, weak, absolutely no energy, headaches, upset stomach, jittery and not much affect on my appetitie, it just doesn't seem to work at all like the ones I took before. I know so many people who have had success with this medication and just don't understand how it could make me feel so terrible, like might feel if I had the flew or something.

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As I said, it just may not work for any longer.

Have you informed your doctor? You may need to try a different medication.

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