Lamictal Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Lamictal forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Lamictal and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi. I have been taking these two drugs for about 8yrs along with lexapro. Can these medications be stopped or weaned off of by the patient? Also, how does lamictal and/or risperdal work? ## You should not stop such medications, unless your doctor states that it is safe for you to do so. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, sedation, and weight changes. The length of time they may work for anyone is highly individualized, since we are all different, some people can take them successfully for years. Are you experiencing problems from taking them?
I wanted to see if anyone can tell me the known side effects with smoking majiuana and taking lamictal, if any. I have been trying to get info on this for about 2 months and can not seem to get anything back on it. Of course my doctor and counselor says tht it is not good to do ANY drugs...but I have to be honest, I smoke and dont plan on I would like to know what to expect when these two are combined. Thank you and I would love to hear a responce about this. By the way, I do not smoke alone so I need to know what to expect so I can educate my husband. Thank you again, Leilani ## I could provide you with an answer, however, our site is not here to help someone abuse drugs or any type, or assist them in using illegal drugs. Sorry. ## Just to add, so you do know for sure, th...
Hi. Im having terrible neck pain swollen glands cough sore throat and taking lamictal 25mg two times a day since 2 weeks along with depakene 500mg two times daily... i was advice to tail off and stop lamictal. Its making me sick and i cantbear it. Any advice for how long the symptoms of flu will continue.i stopped lamictal since one day but still having neck pain and fever. Thanks. ## I am taking Lamictal, on adding my dosage I had flu and joint pain symtoms, I reduced it back to lower dose, it takes about 4 days to reduce out of your system completely. Any longer visit a doctor. ## Hello, David! How are you? Has there been any improvement? It can cause such side effects, as listed by the U.S. FDA, you may also experience dizziness, headache and weight gain. You were only on it...
I have been on 150 milligrams of lamictal for approximately 2 years. I've been diagnosed with BPD. Through DBT therapy and meditation I have not had any hypo manic episodes for several months. I have been tapering down since November. I just dropped down to 50 milligrams. I'm feeling angry and impatient. Is this normal? Will this pass? Should I stop taking it completely and just get the withdrawal over with? ## Hello, Kat! How are you? Yes, those can withdrawal effects of any anticonvulsant or mood stabilizer. You may also experience nausea, chills and diarrhea, as listed by the FDA. However, no stopping abruptly is not recommended, because it may create the risk of seizures. Is your physician helping you with your taper?
Slight rash on wrists and taking lamictal. Should I go to emergency room? ## Hello, Skipper! How are you? A slight rash isn't something that requires an emergency visit, but you should go if it worsens, you start getting hives or develop problems breathing, which the FDA lists as all being possible signs of an allergic reaction. A skin rash is actually a common side effect of this medication. You may also experience nausea, irritability, clumsiness and blurred vision. Has there been any change to the rash?
It caused me to not sleep and become irrationnally angry. Helped my mood up though. I am not that angry of a person naturally so it was a schocker. ## Hello, Nickoly! How are you? Change in personality like that is actually fairly common with anticonvulsants, it happened to my fiancé with the first one he tried a couple years ago. It usually means you can no longer take that one and need to switch to a different one. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Verwon I am doing better I got off Lamictal 3 months ago. Taking Latuda and intially had a great response on the Latuda. Much more energy better mood. Now I have been having trouble sleeping only 3 hours at a time. I am...
It is used for a weight loss program. There is phen-phen but phenchrome is different. Phenchrome is safer than phen-phen ## Is phenchrom safe for weight loss...and what are the side effects ## Where can I buy the weight loss drug named Phenchrom? I can't find it anywhere. Is there a different name it is sold under? ## I got it from my gyno, there are only a few places that make it, I believe you have to go to a pharmacy that combines drugs because its two different ones. I've been on it about 2 months and have lost almost 40 pounds. Not sure how healthy that is... but I needed it! I also am on a diet 100 calories every 3 hours, no carbs, sugar or red meat. I eat a lot of fat free yogurt, cottage cheese, lowfat cheese, fruits and veggies! Some Grilled chicken and fish. The only a...
I need refills for my mood stabilizer lamictal and can't afford to see my Dr. I have one prescription that involves me titrating my dosage up for a week and the refills are empty. Are doctors allowed to put refills on those so I can add my own in? I don't wanna get in trouble but I'm broke and bipolar. ## If you have a Costco nearby they have deep discounts on generics and I have gotten lamotrigine there. You don't have to be a member. ## No, you cannot add your own refills, that would be illegal and prescriptions are tracked and monitored by government agencies. Have you tried calling your doctor? They may be able to phone in a refill, until you can go in for an appointment. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including dry mouth, nause...
I take lamictal for bi polar. disorder. Will visterol cause interactions with these medcations i also. take prozac. and just had surgery yesterday so i need. some. answers please. if u can ## Hello, Brandi! How are you? It's actually the combination of the Lamictal and the Prozac that can be risky, since the Lamictal increases the toxicity of the Prozac. However no, there are no issues listed adding the Vistaril, though it's always best to double check such information to be sure. The FDA classifies Vistaril as an antihistamine that is frequently used to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting. Its typical side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and sedation. Is there anything else I can help with?
I had to take a UA screen for a new job I applied for. Everything came out Clean, except I tested Positive for PCP. I do Not use PCP or Any illegal drugs. I am taking Lamictal (200mg 2x/day) and I am taking Seroquel (100mg 1-2 at bedtime). I also take Alka-Seltzer/with aspirin every day. And Tylenol (500mg) 2/day. I have read that both Lamictal and Seroquel can make a false-positive for PCP. Since I HAVE to take those for bi-polar and ADD, I can't go off of them so my UA can be "clean". What can I do about this, as my potential employer will not hire me if I test positive for drugs (like PCP)???
Updatedhi, I went into Detox for alcohol May 15 and depression. I was then put on Lamictal 50mg lamictal then went to 100mg in 3 days. I've been on 100 mg for 3 weeks. I started reading about side effects, rash, etc. and how normal dose to start with is 25mg for a few weeks then go to 50. I'm worried because my Doctor sent me home with 100mg of lamictal right away. Any thoughts? ## Hello Candy! How are you? The dosages you're reading are for its standard use for Epilepsy, which is quite different than detoxing from alcohol. A doctor must adjust it accordingly for that use, to help prevent delirium tremens and possible seizures, as well as helping to prevent the cravings for alcohol. As listed by the FDA, the typical side effects for Lamictal may possibly include nausea, weight gain...
I take lamictal 300 lithium 900 and viibryd 10 I have a lot of pressure in my head and bad diaherra. I combine words when I talk or leave words out. I get anxiety when talking to people like I can talk fast enough. Any suggestions?? Been on 5 days. First night I took I went into crying spell for 3 hours... ## Hello, Dana! How are you feeling? Lithium is a very potent medication, so it has been known to cause such side effects. You may also experience dizziness, drowsiness, headache and weight changes, as listed by the FDA. However, things should improve after your body adjusts to the medications, but that could take about 4 to 6 weeks. However, if they don't improve, or if things get worse and you feel suicidal, please contact your doctor immediately. Is there anything else I can he...
Does the dose within the xr pill dispense equally over a twenty four hour period? I am concerned about daily peaks and valleys. I take dose in evening but at times due to work I'll take it a much as six hours earlier. Thanks ## Hello, Joe! How are you? Yes, that's how they are designed to work. However, the issue is that if you take one 6 hours earlier on Tuesday, then take the next on Wednesday 6 hours later, which is your regular time, you're not keeping the levels in your body consistent to prevent seizures. If you need to take it 6 hours earlier some days, due to your work schedule, then you should change the time you take it, so that you take it at the same time every day and prevent these unmediated gaps. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Lamictal as possibly i...
Just wondering if anyone has taken the Lamictal generic (lamotrigine) made by Aurobindo pharmaceuticals. Just picked up my prescription... the pills look like shields and I've never heard of Aurobindo... Any issues? Or does anyone take any meds in general made by Aurobindo? ## Aurobindo is approved by the FDA as a U.S. prescription medication manufacturer. I've never taken Lamictal, but have taken a couple of their other medications, without a problem. Lamictal is an anticonvulsant that may also be used to help with certain types of mood disorders. Side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, dry mouth and weight gain.
Nuvigul 150mg one time day Lamictal 100mg 1 2 twice day Oxcarbazepine 150 mg take twice day Latuda 40 mg one day Can u take all together ## Hi Cory, From what I could gather, there are some drug interactions listed between the following combinations of meds... Lamictal (lamotrigine) + Latuda (lurasidone): Taking these two meds together may increase your risk of certain side effects, such as impaired cognitive function, dizziness, drowsiness, and an overall inability to concentrate. Oxcarbazepine + Latuda (lurasidone): The same side effects listed above also pertain this drug combination as well. Oxcarbazepine + Nuvigil (armodafinil): Lastly, there are reports stating that Oxcarbazepine has been known to decrease the blood levels and efficacy of Nuvigil. So depending on the whether the b...
I have been on 25mg Lamictal for three days. I have had terrible stomach pain and severe diarrhea for three days. Has anyone else experienced this? Do the side-effects go away? (Not sure Lamictal is causing this because I've just returned from a trip ... I guess I could have gotten a bug.) ## Hello, Trish! How are you feeling? Yes, those could be side effects of the Lamictal, it has been known to cause such issues in some people that take it. However, there is also the chance that they could be the start of a possibly serious reaction, so you should consult your doctor to be safe. Have you experienced any other side effects, such as dizziness or double vision?
Does anyone take Lamictal and Adderall? and if so, have you had any side effects from taking the two together? Or does anyone take Lamictal and any other stimulant to help treat ADD?ADHD? ## Hello, Carolyn! How are you? I didn't find any interactions listed between these medications, but it would be up to your doctor to really say whether or not it is safe for you to mix them. Stimulants like Adderall can cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and anorexia. Is there anything else I can help with?
can respitrol be taken with lamictal? ## I didn't find any interactions or problems listed between them, but you should double check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. Risperdal is a very potent antipsychotic that's used to treat many mental health conditions and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, sedation and weight changes. Learn more Risperdal details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
I am currently on lamictal trazadone seraqul methodone oxycodone lisinipril prempro metformin - are any of these what made me test positive for benzos? I don't take them I don't like xanax or valium so I don't take then so how did I test positive
UpdatedDoes this medication have any interactions with the following drugs: Lamictal, Lithium Carbonate, Glucophage, Buspirone? ## Based on my research, there are several drug interactions listed between the medications you mentioned. Quoted below are the precautions you should be aware of: "Using lithium together with (Glucophage) metformin can decrease the effects of metformin, which can lead to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Talk with your doctor before using lithium while you are using metformin. You may need a dose adjustment and you may need to check your blood sugar more often." The interaction below applies to the following drug combinations: lithium & buspirone buspirone & chlordiazepoxide/clidinium buspirone & Lamictal (lamotrigine) lithium & Lamictal (lamo...