Lagesic Forums
Recently active Lagesic forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Lagesic and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Page:
Lagesic for Pain Relief
Lagesic contains 600mg of Acetaminophen and 66mg of Phenyltoloximine Citrate, manufactured by Lase Inc. as an analgesic. ## Thank you for your submission, a page for Lagesic has been created. Information has not yet been posted online, but it is in progress. Lagesic is used to treat the aches and pains of colds or flu, menstrual cramps, headache, or fever. This medicine is contains an antihistamine and an analgesic and antipyretic. It can also be used to relieve pain in certain kinds of arthritic conditions, as well as other conditions as determined by your doctor.