L887 (Top voted first)


pink capsule oval much like a vitamin e capsule

6 Replies

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I am not able to find this on 2 of the databases I looked for it on. Since it starts with an L chances are it is an over the counter generic tylenol type of medication, vitamin, or a medication made in another country.

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I am not finding it listed anywhere, either. However, since I do see L's with numbers before and after this, that are all over the counter products, it leads me to suspect that this is also an OTC product.

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Actually, there are still a few that are prescription drugs, not many though.

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I know, I was just going by the numbers though, most companies count consecutively when using the numbers on their pills or capsules, so it is a safe bet that if LNK makes 886 and 888 as over the counter products, then 887 more than likely is as well.

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Yes, that would make sense, but what kind of sense do these drug companies make sometimes? lol!

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Sense? They don't even know the word!

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