L Montus Side Effects


I am 50 year old and living in Kathmand, Nepal.The weather of Kathmandu is chagable. At day time, it is hot weather and in night as well morning time it is cold. while changing the season, i feel uncomfortable in breathing and a part of mucus/ cough come out through my throat, not fully cough/ mucus come through my throat at one time. That is why i feel uncomfortable. Then, i take medicine L Montus, therefore, i am eager to know about its side effect. Kindly help me about it. How can i avoid taking such medicine? Is there any other good msdicine whose side effect may be less rather than L montus.

I am also suffering from Brincial Azama some times. What is the best medicine for broncial azamatic patient, Kindly advise us.


6 Replies

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Have you discussed any of this with your doctor? They would best be able to advise you on what you should use and your safe treatment options.

L-Montus contains Levocetirizine and Montelukast, it is most commonly used to treat allergies.

Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and appetite changes.

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As to the asthma, I also don't know what else is available for you to try, only your doctor is qualified to make such suggestions.

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I am 30 years old and living in tamil nadu.I have the problem nose black and uncomfortable breathing.I saw the doctor he suggest l montus.iam eager to know about its side effect kindly help me how can I avoid such medicine? Is there any other good medicine whose side effect less rather than L montus please help me

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Hi i'm suffering from severe cold for past one year.
It started once in 2 weeks, once in a week, and now daily im suffering. When I get this, my nose is paining like anything, sometimes nose fully blocked cant even breathe, i feel liquid inside my head. sometimes, fully running nose. 4 to 5 drops water for every 1 minute. continuous sneezing for the entire day.
Have consulted many doctors, they are telling this is an allergy. begining stage of synus and gave lotta medicines, but nothing works...
I'm taking L montus for past 6 months.Kinda better. But still even if i take tis tablet, i'm getting this cold once in a week. Feeling very bad. please adivce.. Thanks in Advance...

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Hi pandey , i have the same problem of yours from my childhood. 3 years before i got wheezing promblem too. I was using asthalin and l montus when i get cold it works better but the freequency of getting cold is increasing so i started using pangajakasthuri also called as (breath easy). Have a spoon full dissolved in hot after ur breakfast and dinner continuosly for a week. it works for me! to get immediate remedy i still sometimes use l-montus.

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I am using L-Montus,Kindly send me the side effects.

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Please let me know if this is anything serious... My son had accidentally taken L-montus (levocetirizine dihydrochloride/montelukast sodium) 5mL during the time that he was having a normal cold. Will he be alright?

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