Ku-Zyme HP Forums
Recently active Ku-Zyme HP forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ku-Zyme HP and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.What is your experience of KurZyme? ## Kurzyme is a supplement, claimed to help with digestion. However, as a supplement, this also means that it is not proven to actually help with anything. Does anyone have experience using it? ## The brochure maintained that KurZyme was the product to end all products, no need for CoQ10 etc.etc. I had one of the symptoms it claimed to cure. After a month or so I noticed no benefit from using it. I requested a refund but was told that the refund date had passed. I mentioned that I had 2 bottles that could be recycled. The Operator said that they did not return the bottles, but they threw them away. That told me everything...if they could replace a bottle of this stuff for less than the cost of postage, it has to be junk. I plan on pursuing this as I a...
1. Has Kurzyme been of any help to anyone with arthritic pain? 2. Has Kurzyme been of help with any other symptoms? ## Did you actually try KurZyme yet? I didn't see any answer to your original post and was wondering if it really helped with the arthritis pain. ## yes KurZyme for tissue muscular and joint health has been fantastic 2yrs worth.....i need more now iam in South Africa where can i get it from ???? ## Please give details of alleviation of arthritic joint pain and loss of mobility by use of KurZyme