Kratom Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Kratom forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Kratom and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Kratom will save your life. It's legal, cheaper and it DOES WORK BETTER than opiates. Go to YouTube and check it out. Then go to a well stocked head shop and buy a sample amount. You WILL go back and purchase bulk amounts because it will ELIMINATE opium craving, pain, and severe depression!!! Natural and God given, this WILL end addiction to opiates and your brain will not miss them. Enjoy Love of Life again. Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated is intended to be medical advice. Discussion threads do not reflect the opinion of RxChat or its staff. ## Kratom did nothing for my pain & it made me vomit. I'll stay with my opiates.. ## This may work for some without a reasonable tolerance but someone wit a tolerance it is unlikely to...
I'm a 48-year-old married female with 2 kids. I have a severe pain in my left heel and need advice on what medicine to use for relief as well as what might've caused this sort of pain? ## Hi there. Sorry to hear about your situation. How long have you been dealing with this sort of pain in your left heel? In order to know how to treat it and what could've caused it, one would need more background information and/or medical evaluations that could take a closer look at the problem. Generally, pain medication is an obvious thing to turn to for relief, but determining which one to take may be dependent upon your ability to consult a doctor and get a prescription or whether you'd prefer to resort to OTC & natural alternatives such as turmeric, kratom, cannabis, etc... I h...
I pulled a muscle on the left side of my lower back and I want to know if I can take an anti-inflammatory medication since I have had a bleeding stomach 2 yrs ago (because I took too many anti-inflammatory meds) before my back surgery. ## Hi Gus, Sorry to hear about your previous experience on anti-inflammatory drugs. Is this NSAID's in particular or does it pertain to natural remedies as well? If you haven't already done so, I would encourage you to investigate certain alternatives such as Turmeric, CBD oil, or maybe even Kratom for pain relief, as I've never heard of any ill effects from those substances in and of themselves... Have you also discussed any of these concerns with a doctor?
Hi, I bought some kratom (green malay) in capsule form. The capsules contain around 0.38mg per capsule. How many do I need to take for minimum desired effect? I tried 3 yesterday to no avail. Tried 6 around an hour ago and I don't feel anything. ## I would recommend ordering the tri force blend from KratomOne. Their shipping is insanely fast and I've found this blend to be the most beneficial. I take around a tablespoon at a time. ## @The original poster, The threshold dose for my personal use of kratom is eight to 12 "00" size capsules (around 1 teaspoon) depending on the quality and strain. It may be that you are just under the threshold dose when taking only 6 capsules (which I know already seems like a lot of capsules to take), but that's just been my experience....
Just curious if kratom causes a false positive for any illegal substances? ## No it will not. I know I know because I'm in a court program and I get us 3times a week., I have other friends that take it to and it will not show for anything for the test that they have now. ## Yes its causes false positive for Methadone..Be careful when you take drug test..
I'm having shoulder surgery on feb. 20th on my rotator cuff. What can I take for pain right now for sciatic nerve and shoulder surgery I had done in october? ## Hi Deborrah, Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I realize that your surgery may have already taken place seeing as it's now the 27th of Feb. Did you manage to find anything to use for the pain since you last posted? Personally, I think it's imperative to discuss potential treatment options with the surgeon and/or anesthesiologist in order to play it safe; since whatever they administer during the operation could interact with whatever it is you may be taking. I know if it were me in this position, I'd probably turn to medical cannabis and/or kratom for relief, but I cannot say what will or wont work for you and y...
Can humans take animal meds, like pain meds, etc? If so, are they available over the counter instead of needing an rx? ## I would like to know the answer to this myself! In the meantime kratom is still legal and I hope they keep it that way even though it's nothing compared to pain medication. It's at least something. For some people it actually saves lives. People with other problems besides just pain. Not that pain is just anything! Pain is horrible!
Does anyone have experience switching from large doses of Kratom (25g a day) to a Butrans patch? Is the Kratom strong enough to give precipitated withdrawals? The Butrans is for pain. ## That's an interesting question because it's usually the other way around, with patients switching from prescription opiates to Kratom. Having taken Kratom myself, my opinion is that I don't think it'll stop Butrans from working altogether, but if your opiate receptors are already filled by Kratom then Butrans may only add to the level of cross tolerance if I'm not mistaken (and affecting drug efficacy from a tolerance standpoint / not enough receptors to fill?). Some feedback I've read also suggests taking a short break from Kratom during the transition to allow other opiates to ...
The following quotes are directly from NIH's PubMed study - giving a rundown of their review on Kratom [see link below for reference]. But here’s where things get confusing - STATEMENT A: “In Southeast Asia, kratom has been used for decades as an herbal medication to treat chronic pain, increase energy and stamina, treat chronic pain and diarrhea, and as a substitute for opium or for opium withdrawal.” STATEMENT B: “Extracts of kratom have been used to treat chronic pain, diarrhea and cough.” STATEMENT C: “Kratom has not been shown to have any beneficial medical uses.” Now is that a not contradiction or what?! Since when has chronic pain, GI or respiratory issues been deemed 'non-medical related'? Last I checked, pharmacies were still p
UpdatedDoes Kratom have any side effects if used with medication like Xarelto ## To my knowledge there aren't any official drug interactions listed between the two substances. Personally, I started taking Kratom a few months ago (infrequently) for muscle pain, but have developed a good understanding of how it works with my body at specific doses. Kratoms effects are said to be similar to that of opiates, but since everyone is subject to respond differently with any medication, I probably wouldn't recommend mixing pharmaceuticals with potent herbs like Kratom without first consulting a doctor or naturopath who know their pharmacology well enough to make an informed judgement call. That's just me though. Kratom has reportedly been around for hundreds if not thousands of years and pro...
I have chrons disesae since i was 18 I am now 42 and the pain is umbearable i have had an ileostomy for it, i have ulcer medicineand surgery,and nothing is working i have to bad knees i have a full replacement in my right knee and know i need a right knee replacement due to osteoporosis from so much steriods and arthritis in both knees even after operations and i am not doing well at all. My life is basically laying around not eating cause the pain is unbearable. i am really living a sad life i have two children a husband and i am losing alot out of life because i cant funtion. i am only 42 years old and im so sad that i cant leave a full life because i feel so sick all the time. I miss so much in life because im in so much pain and i feel disabled. I would love for you to be able to he...
I was taking six 30 mg oxycodone and two 20mg opanas everyday for 4yrs, and if you're like me and want to get off the opiates (almost completely destroyed my life but clean now with this proven method) i would start off with the kratom fst(Full Spectrume Tincture) 1ml a day for 2 weeks and then step down with 1/2 to 1.2 grams of the uei (Ultra Enhanced Indo) for 2 weeks and then step down to four to six grams bali powder for 2 weeks and then step down with the bali to no more than 2 grams a day along with 4 amodium ad tabs for the next week and finally just take the amodium ad tabs(2) a day for a week and you will not be a slave to the opiates anymore and your life will be free and you will be happy again!!!!! Please spread the word so we can all do are part to help others in need a...