Knee Injection (Top voted first)


I have had two series of thes shots (Stnvisc) as the medication states, 3 shots a week apart, the first series, were great, a little sore but in a week they felt great, this last time about 6 months later when I had them it was much different, but I relized that when I had the first shots I was more active after them, after suffering a good month and a half I forced myself to start bending the legs, I do this every morning before getting out of bed, and I can use the stairs without going sideways, I couldn't use them the way a person usually does, but after a week of working on doing it right, I can do it and the legs are feeling much better, the only trouble I have with them is getting up off a soft seat. I have a torn muscis, and damaged knee cap , RA in the left leg, the RT leg is mainly RA, I've had surgery on that one for a torn muscis several years ago, so it's not near as bad as the left,getting down on my knees is bad, getting up is the worse, but I have to say the shots help, and remember not to baby them work them to get the med to work it's way throughout the knee. It really helped me.

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Since I posted the above message, 10/1/11 something has happened to my left knee, I was down on my knees, cleaning, and as I got up I felt the left knee do something odd, it was almost like it went in the wrong direction, instead of bending to the front it was trying to bend backwards. It hurt! I put ice on it and continued that for a few days. My knee is terrilbe, it wakes me during the night, if I roll over and the front of my knee touches the bed, the pain wakes me. Monday (today is Sat.) I am going to call my ortho doctor, he did say if the Stnicvisc shots didn't work, (my right leg is doing great) he has other things he can do for it.
I do need to get both knees replaced, but I've had two sugrerys in a year, one with complactions, so I want to put this off as long as I can, like until after winter, when it will be easier to get outside. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?
I live in Illinois, and the ortho doctor I see is in a group of nothing but ortho doctors, at least 3-5 doctors per joint, I have been to this group several time, for other joint problems, and there was no playing around, if they feel one of the other doctors can handle the problem better than they can, they send you over to them. I feel safe with them. So when I asked my doctor said if the shots didn't work where do we go from there he said he will do something else that will help the pain, we didn't talk about what else, as both of us thought they would work because they did the first time, really I forgot I had problems with them, for almost 6 months, It was great!
I would like to hear from all of you as to what you think, should I get the left knee done now, or should I try to hold off until spring when recovery would be so much easier. I want to get back to life. I do have say I am very afraid of having surgery again, I said I had problems during surgery last year, and I have a respiraroty problem, I guess I need to hear what others have to say about this. The doctor said he won't push me to have it done, until I'm ready, unless it really gets worse. The respiratory doctor said it's OK with him if I have in now. My left knee was doing pretty good, until I got down on my knees. Now I'm paying for it. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

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I have never had these types of problems, so I can't contribute from that point of view.

However, I'd say that you're really the only person that can judge when you are ready for more treatments, or surgery, since you are the one that has to live with the pain and difficulties of either choice.


Have you discussed your various options with your doctor, yet?

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