Klonopin Urine Test For Probation


I took a .5 klonopin on 5/6. I have a urine for probation on 5/15. Will I pass? I don't ever take them and have hep C, however it's not severe or causing any problems.. Worried it will show up???

2 Replies

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As long as you haven't been taking them consistently, you will definitely be clean! How do I know? Heroin and benzos are my drugs of choice (clean from heroin 3 yrs), and I have been on parole a total of 6 yrs. I know u/a's have improved immensely, but from experience, I also know that .5 mg of clonazepam will not show up on a urine screen 9 days later. Don't worry at all!

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I took half of a klonopin 1mg on 3-3-16 and have a UA on 3-15-16. Will I test positive for benzos and if sent to the lab, will they find it after a week and a half? I have a very fast metabolism.

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