Klonopin Brand Name (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I've been unable to find Klonopin (brand name) at any pharmacy. Although I've taken this medication for several years, this is the first time I've been unable to find it. I've been told the manufacturer (Roche) has it on backorder. Some say it's no longer available. I cannot take the generic as I get a serious migraine. Does anyone have any suggestions where I might get a Rx filled?

238 Replies (12 Pages)

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While we all wait for the brand/Klonopin to be back in order in December, can we share the best generic out of these major manufacturers: Actavis and/or Watson, Teva, Qualitest, Accord and all others. Please state which generic works well for you, and in comparison to the brand.

All generics are not created equal. I learned this when I tried buspirone. When I was first prescribed this medication, I got it in Teva brand and did nothing. I refused to give up on it after reading some positive reviews. It was when I tried Watson did I know that all generics were not created equal. I did so much better on Watson that I never needed taking my benzos. Watson makes some of the best generic benzos out there...research. Always ranked on par with Roche Klonopin, Diazepam and Pfizer/Xanax. However, it was bought out by Actavis.

I hope you guys reply, share what generic you are taking, if its working well for you, tell us what that generic manufacturer is. It would be helpful for all others to get what works pending when Klonopin will be back to order.

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I think that should be a different thread. So far, this one focuses on information about WHEN Klonopin will be available. It helps to hear what others are told and find out. If another topic is started, such as which generic is best, then the posts will be mixed with: Klonopin News, and different generic debates. Just my opinion. Google generic klonopin and you will find lots of info on different generics.

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I called CVS today and asked them to check with their wholesaler about when Klonopin would be available. The wholesaler told them there was no date for when it would be available. So MAYBE it will be sooner than Dec. I also called another pharmacy and asked them the same thing, I am supposed to hear tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be available in October. Genentech may not notify wholesalers until they are ready to ship. I do not know how the process works. But I hope it is October not Dec. Everyone should call Genentech 800-821-8590

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I've been taking Roche Klon for a decade/
There was a supply Glich in 2011 too.

BUT this looks to me like they've decided to STOP making it and Are forcing people to make various substitutions.

If people can make six months without it, they can go forever
Weaning people off it is Clearly their intent.

I wonder if Generics are Paying Roche.

BTW there are some pretty horrifying studies (September) out there for Long Term use of these benzos and Alzeheimers rates thru the roof. Google away.

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i cant tell a difference in them as long as its the same amount. If your close by {edited for privacy} we will discuss things.

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I was told by October back in July. I'm completely out of name brand now (I was mixing name brand with generic) and I'm on teva generic and there is definitely a big difference. I hope they soon get Klonopin back in stock.

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For those with Epilepsy this is a disgrace. I can see if someone were abusing but this is going to cause people to end up in the hospital or worse.

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I wont take xanax ever I too cant take generics and because of taking generic klonopin I am loosing weight sick to my stomach shaking all the time its all about the dam money

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they told me October too now its December are you kidding me

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I was on another site where someone wrote they searched all over and found October 11th would be when they will have supply of named brand and they can get it the last week in October in New Jersey. Hope this helps someone.

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Hope that's true about Jersey getting it. However, I thought I read that the New Jersey Roche manufacturer shut down last year and everything is basically coming from the San Francisco facility. Doesn't matter to me, just so it gets to Pa soon. There's no way I want back on that roller coaster drug xanax or anything similar. Brand name Klonopin always worked for me because it lasts so long in my system.

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I refuse to take xanax its as bad as generic klonopin

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well I am so screwed as I am due to refill on oct 17th this is bs

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HI did you hear if its back on October 11th as you posted

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I called 3 times its the same bs answer nothing

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As far as I can tell it was suppose to have started production October 11th and be available the last week in October. If anyone finds out otherwise, let us know.

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Where is the information that says production started Oct. 11?

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Called Genentech today. They say late October but nothing specific. Transferred me to one of their pharmacists but was on hold way too long and then transferred back to the operator who said one of them would call me. Not holding my breath!

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I got this from another Klonopin forum posted just a few days ago:

It is oct 11th. You can call Roche to report a product complaint at: (800) 334-0290. Their hours are Monday-Friday, 5:30 am to 4 pm PST. Also contact the FDA in DC… maybe this will help speed up the process. When I spoke to them they said by the last week in october. I am taking a generic which is not working as well as it should. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in NJ that carries Klonopin?

He definitely talked to them and was told it would be accessible by the last week in October.

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Genentech Pharmaceutical returned my call today indicating Klonopin should be available by the end of October... the last week in Oct. I questioned him about the change in dates, the issues involved that caused this production pause, if any of the ingredients were sourced from China, etc. Of course, he was non-committal on all those questions. Repeated the phrase we've all heard.... just a review of the production of Klonopin. He said he didn't have a list of the ingredients and the source of them in front of him. I recommended they make a point of following up with patients who had called and letting them know when production begins again. He said he would see that's done. I believe little of what he said, just that the best date he has at this time is late Oct. Stayed tuned! I think we do need a legal suit!

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