Klonopin Withdrawal (Page 2)
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Dr. took me off Klonopin after years of use. She obviously did not know how as she took me completely off in 8 days. I am going through the worst withdrawals. What can I do?

29 Replies (2 Pages)

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babygirl go to hospital i dont want to scare you but i was on them for 5 years dr pulled me off started feeling very strange called dr did nothing that night ended up in hospital had seszuire(not spelled right)was put in critical intensive care couldnt walk for 8 months so please go iam sure everything well be fine once you tell them how long you been on them dr pulled you off i dont know why they do this they know you have to be whined off
good luck becky

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i was taking 20 2mg kpins a day sometimes more i truly needed it but obviously not that many i got locked up n had 2 seizures n never felt such mental n physical anguish 4 the 9mths i was locked up i never got back to normal so when i got out went to dr n gotem i don't abuse them like b4 but i suggest 2 everryone don't make the same mistake i did i don't wish that withdrawl on my worst enemies

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Yes, unfortunately, the withdrawal effects and side effects that people are describing here are common to Benzodiazepines, such as Klonopin.

They should never be stopped too fast, due to the withdrawal factors and if the side effects are very proounced, it is likely the person is either on too high of a dosage or this is not the correct class of drugs for them to use.

Some common side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, irritability and headache.

You can read more here:


Are there any questions I can help with?

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I am back on 1mg per night. I have Fibromyalgia and RLS, and I have to take something. There are other meds, so those who feel like a zombie, should ask their physician about other meds. It will take time to wean off the Klonopin though. I only take it at night and I don't feel anything the next day, so I am sorry to hear about J-man's gf. Go to the doctor with her and tell them how it is effecting her. Good luck.

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Call your doctor and tell him/her to put you back on the meds and detox you the right way because you're considering having your lawyer file a MALPRACTICE SUIT! I went through the same thing for 2 days and got paid a very very handsome settlement

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Just curious on how often you take it. I take this medication for my restless leg syndrom and only at night. I do not take it everynight. Si I dont feel any kinds of addiction. How often are you taking it is my question and why

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my gf is on this and i hate it. when she takes one, it seems like she has no emotion, she's like an unfeeling, uncaring zombie. the things she loves, including myself, dont matter to her when she's on them. i know it's just a side effect, but still, it really bothers me. it's almost broke up our relationship countless times, and not because i'm the one that wants to give up. when she takes it, she literally doesnt care about a thing. is there anything she can do about this?

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Thank you for the reply Kelly. I ended up going to the hospital and they put me back on 1/2 the dose so that I can wean off slowly. Even though I felt terrible on the inside, my vitals were good. I feel better taking it now until I wean off slow. Thanks again, I appreciate the support. This is really hard, harder than I would have imagined. I'm waiting to see what the low dose will do to help my symtoms right now. Will post again later. Thanks again Kelly.

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Go to the hospital and tell them what she has done and unless you were taking meds that you not suppossed to be taking, she should have prepared you for this.

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