Klion D 100 Tingling / Discharge / Odor (Top voted first)


I was given Klion D 100 for a bacteria infection. I have taken one treatment and I'm experiencing a wet discharge with a slight fishy odor and a tingling sensation. Is this normal? Or should I return to my Doctor?

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I've been taking Klion d 100 for 6 days now and I had intercourse with my partner last night. Now I'm feeling cramps throughout my body when I pee. Should I be having intercourse while on the medication?

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Hello, Demetria! How are you?

Those can be normal side effects of a bacterial vaginal infection. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, and spotting, according to the U.S. FDA.

What type of infection is being treated?

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I'm taking klion D 100 and my doctor say I should take 2 at night for 5 days I'm on my last one and I still have a fishy odor what should i do

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I have been taking klion d 100 but unfortunately I inserted it the wrong place should I be prescribe another one or is that ok

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