Just Started & Concerned After Reading These Posts
UpdatedI started at 30mg and am at 60mg. I was positive about the benefits until I started reading these posts !
I have the increased energy and clear head. I have dropped almost 15 pounds in 2 months. I don't have any increased temper. If anything, I feel calmer and less stressed. My appetite is back down to a normal level. After about a week on it our son commented that it was nice that I no longer complained about being exhausted. I no longer crave sugar or binge-eat comfort foods. As a matter of fact, most sugary snacks now sort of turn my stomach. This is good for me because my cholesterol and triglycerides will fall as my weight does. I am within 5 pounds of my target, ideal weight.
But, after reading these posts, I am sort of scared to stay on it...
1 Reply
If it's any consolation, I find that most people who post reviews about any particular drug/substance online, happen to be the one's who have negative things to say about it. A person experiencing no problems what-so-ever has no real reason to go online and post a review. They are simply content with the way their body has reacted to the medication.
Compared to the vast majority of people taking Axiron, the one's who complain/rant about their experience are but a small percentage. Medications can and usually do affect everyone differently, whereas some people get great results, but there are others that it inevitably just doesn't work for no matter how many they take. Unfortunately when it comes to prescription drugs the only to find out is to try it for yourself and decide after a few days to a week or so if this drug is really right for you.
If nothing perceivable is wrong, then in my opinion there's no need to change medications unless your heart is the one who tells you to stop taking it.
I hope this helps!
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