Just Started (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy doc just prescribed Cymbalta to me yesterday. I took my first pill yesterday. I didnt read up on it till after my son told me "MOM< NO dont take that". I heard it has really bad side effects. So we got on the computer and read up on it. OMG, this is horrible. Why would doctors even prescribe this to patients??? I woke up this morning feeling kinda bad. Really shaky and feeling sick to my stomach. Is this already side effects from this? And someone PLEASE tell me should I keep taking it???
4 Replies
I have been suffering with pain from bulging disks for 3 years with some stenosis, and throbbing down my arms. I have never liked to take any meds and was afraid to take Cymbalta. I have to say after adjusting the dosage from 30 mgs to 60 mgs, it has really helped me feel halfway human again. I did have some nausea and I was very tired about the first week I was on it, but after about day 5 I noticed my pain was not so bad and I feel no side effects at all now. I do recommend taking the medicine after eating and in the morning.
Dolly, if you check, all medications carry the risk of causing horrific side effects, even over the counter products. Thus, Cymbalta is no different than any other.
As to whether or not the way you are feeling can be attributed to the medication, it is difficult to say. It may be due to taking it, it may be due to worrying about the possible side effects, or it could be completely unrelated.
Have you talked to your doctor about your concerns?
Dolly: I too read the side effects and stopped the Cymblta.
Because I was using it for pain relief I went back on it. (Neuropathy of feet). After two weeks not only did it help a LOT with the pain, I noticed my mood which had not been bad really improved to where I was smiling all the time (inwardly) I really like this medicine.
no it's not the side effects of the medication already! there are side effects for everything. though there are probably many...there are also many benefits! I am 36 & have been on cymbalta for the better part of 10 yrs. I was in a head on car crash so you can only imagine the extent of my injuries along with the depression. I was diagnosed long before then with clinical depression so after I lost everything it only escalated. I tried everything! antidepressants take time to feel the benefits! not only does it help my depression it helps with many physical ailments as well! I take i higher dose and believe me when i say i can tell when i've missed one! my mother has post polio syndrome rather severe..she says the same...mother in law has lupus..says the same! It is the one medication I have been faithful to taking!! it also helps with sleep when u take it as prescribed. i would cry for days. do the research. honestly. i have 2 young girls and don't know where i would be mentally or physically good luck
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