Jadelle In Plant
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Started using Jadelle on the 12-11-2012 I got it put in a week after my period then on the 18th of december got my period again for 2 weeks then went for 1 week & now i got it again im so overt
this & im getting bed headaches, abdominal pain, mood swings , im 36 ,i have 3 childern im married me & my hubby both work & i was sick of getting my period every 2 weeks & i dont want any more childern so when i heard of Jadelle i was happy no more pill no more jabs was i wrong so over it my doctor said the periods will subside after 6 months but i dont think i can go on like this 3 weeks bleeding 1 week brake , headache ,breast tenderness my bar even makes them hurt.

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I have had jadelle implant for 2.5years and have not been bleeding only got the sporting but for like six month started bleeding though not heavy but it doesnot stop. If it stops its for 4 days or 1 week. Should I use primolut N to stablise my cycle?

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It sounds like you're very sensitive to the hormones in it and they might be too much for you.

Learn more Jadelle details here.

I'm all for giving something a fair go, but when it's that bad, I'd call a stop and get it removed, if it were me. Only you can decide what's right for you, but it does sound awful.

Have you just tried regular oral contraceptives?

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