Ivabradine Forums

Recently active Ivabradine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ivabradine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Dear Sir/Madam, My mother is a heart patient. Her age is 58. As per the doctor advice she is taking inapure 5 along with Ecosprine 150 and nitrolong 2.6. After taking 4 month she stopped the inapure 5. After 4 days she suddenly feel pain in her chest. So should we continue the inapure 5. ## What has her doctor advised? Did he tell her to stop the Inapure? It contains the active ingredient Ivabradine, which is a cardiotonic medication that's commonly used to treat angina. These medications aren't usually safe to stop abruptly, because it can cause the types of symptoms your mother has experienced.

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I want the composition of IVABRAD ## Ivabrad contains the active ingredient Ivabradine, it is commonly used to treat stable forms of Angina Pectoris. Its side effects can include: headache, slow heart rate, Luminous phenomenon and dizziness. More details: Is there anything else I can help with?

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