Itching From Contrave (Page 4)
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I have been taking Contrave for three weeks and have developed itching on the insides of my hands and the bottoms of my feet. Has anyone else experienced this?

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I too just started with the itch under my feet and hands. However today I have been itching everywhere. I am currently on 2 in the am and 1 in the pm. Thinking about going back to 1 and 1. Has anyone else experienced the all over itching?

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I'm glad you're doing better. :-)

Please keep me updated!

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I have cut the dosage in half (one pill in the morning and one in the evening) and no longer have the itching problem that I had while taking the higher dosage.

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There's a chance that it's affecting your circulation, which can cause itching.

Have you had it checked out by your doctor, yet?

Has it improved, at all?

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No rash. No other meds. Nothing new besides the Contrave.

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Hello, Arlie! How are you?

Do you have a rash, or just the itching?

Contrave has been known to cause a rash as a side effect, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache and insomnia.

Are you on any other medications? The itching could be due to a circulation problem.

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