Itching From Contrave (Page 3)
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I have been taking Contrave for three weeks and have developed itching on the insides of my hands and the bottoms of my feet. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Hey there I had to get a steroid shock to stop the itching. Took2 weeks.

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My dr told me to take a zyrtec every night. Stopped it immediately. She said if that didn't work then I had to stop taking it.

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How long does it take to get Contrave out of your system?? I had severe nausea and itching with Contrave to the point that I had bumps and the itch was all over my body. According to my doctor I was allergic to Contrave which is why my symptoms were so intense and not going away. I stopped Contrave 3 and half days ago and the itch is still there but the nausea is getting better.

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Following in the meantime I switched to Belviq. The itching caused hives which is a severe reaction

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Does the itching caused by contrave get better or do you have to stop

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I am also itching from head to toe.
I'm taking 2 & 2 I guess I need to cut back.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one!

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I stopped about 2 weeks ago after taking it 7 days and it took me a week and half to stop itching. I'm wondering if I start again will it happen again.

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Yep. Been on it a month and have itching all over.

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Hello have you noticed a difference? Are you still experiencing the itching? Happened to me just after I started the twice a day dosage. Thanks

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Yes I have been itching not knowing what is going on. Now I know. My scalp, ears, hands, back and breast. It started after I started taking 2 and 2. I am going to cut back to 1 and 1 to see if it helps.

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I have been on Contrave for 5 weeks and am currently doing the 2:2. I have been itching everywhere from inside my hands down to my thighs. I feel better now knowing that I am not alone. It seemed to happen overnight. I, too, thought it was my fabric softener or possibly even the brand of soap before realizing that Contrave is the culprit of my now extremely dry skin. I bought lotion specifically for dry skin - exzema. It hasn't worked. May try Zyrtec to see if that helps.

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Just after I increased dosage to 2 twice a day, I got hives. Had no idea what caused it. They went away after a few days, then I got strange intense itching on my palms & soles of my feet. I found these threads relating it to Contrave & that solved the mystery. I was able to control the itching with Zyrtec. I stopped the Contrave a few weeks ago (after losing no weight in ~2 1/2 months of taking it). But my feet still sometimes itch if I don't take the Zyrtec.

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Holy Moses! 2 days into week three, I woke up with hives all over, itching palms ,ears and worst of all the bottoms of my feet! I fully blamed new fabric softener but after 3 more days, I'm finally conceding that it's the Contrave. I'm going to stop it until it goes away and then try again, stopping at 1 twice daily, to see if that will keep it at bay. Yikes! This is miserable!!

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Been on Contrave for 1 month & I ITCH BADLY!!! Thinking about asking my doc to just prescribe the Wellbutrin and calling it a day

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I took contrave and within 1 week, i was itching on feet and hands and then everywhere, also lymph nodes start to swell. stopped it and reaction is still going strong after a month and a half that i quit. went to ER twice and to several doctors. seems that this is a severe allergic reaction. been on prednisone twice and had to go to an allergist and put on 2 different meds and this may not go away. also, i have Sarcoidosis and it flared it up after being in remmission for 2 years and 3 months. i am very upset about this, this is defeating its purpose. being on prednisone has increased my weight. this is really upsetting.

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I have been on Contrave for 3 months. It made it itch uncontrollably. It always happen around 10pm or so. I tried just taking one pill a day, but nothing changed, the itching got so bad that I stopped talking Contrave. Note: I did lose 15 pounds

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I also started the 2:1 this passed Friday 8/21 and on 8/24 woke up with bad itching back of neck and ears. Got so bad by 8/25 and 8/26 my hands swelled up and burned when touched, my right eye was alos swollen. I went to dr on 8/25 and he had me stop the Contrave and prescribed me with steroids, but i still have the itching everywhere. I did not want to stop it because it is working 9#'s down since 8/7. he did state i could start all over once the rash/itching has subsided. should i just go back to the 1:1?

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It took a day or two to somewhat subside and a few weeks to totally go away.

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Hi, I am currently going through a case of really bad itching. I am on my third week of contrave, 2 in the am 1 in the pm. I am itching every where from hands to the feet, head, neck, etc. How long after going back to 1 am 1 pm did the itching go away? My iching is so bad that was thinking about stopping it altogether but it has been helping me so much that I do not want to stop.

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Yes, the itch spread and I had the itching at the same point in the medicine process. I did go back to one and one, and the itching, for the most part, went away. I am now wondering if the cause of the itching, since there is no rash, is that this drug dries out your system to such a great extent, that the skin is so dry, thus the itching (although hand lotion did nothing to stop the itch).

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