Itching Withdrawal From Cetirizine Or Zyrtec (Page 19)


I want to know how many are suffering from withdrawal from this drug that causes itching all over the body. At the people's pharmacy there is an article about this very problem, yet Zyrtec doesn't list the information on their web site. This is my third attempt to get off of this med and I'm going crazy from the itching.

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The good news is that after weeks of itching it has almost completely stopped. In itching phase, if it is a none hairy partbof your boddy, like legs, arms, hands and feet, use Tricalm, it is safe and effective.

The other strange thing I have realized is that I had terrible itching at times during the time I was still taking the drug. I know this because I have had itching I thought was from dry skin, but since I've gotten off of the drug that itching has gone away as well.

It has taken almost two months for complete relief from 99% of itching. Iwould say 100%, but I can't be sure about some small scale itching that pales compared to the major skin ripping itch from withdrawal.

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I'm on Day 10 of cold turkey from Cetirizine/Zyrtec. My experience and history is similar to many of you who develop an intense itching at about the 36 Hour mark that has always made me get back on it. Palms of hands and soles of feet are the most insane areas but itch will happen to any part of my body that gets scratched or rubbed -- including lips and inside mouth.

I haven't found anything that really helps the lips/feet/hands, but Zim's Max-Freeze is pretty good at soothing itches that arise on legs,arms, shoulders, back etc. I think it's the 3.7% menthol that's probably so helpful but it also contains aloe, arnica, vit e, and tea tree oil. It's smelly but it's helpful.

At Day 10 i think/hope I'm "turning a corner" and slowly getting out of the most nightmarish part of going off cetirizine. I cannot stress enough that you CAN'T scratch that itch. It will only make things worse.

I wonder...why US? What is it about US that make us victims of this rebound effect and leave others unscathed? Is there a common thread in our backgrounds? Here's a little about me: 37, spring tree pollen allergies that cause itchy eyes and sneezing etc, smoker, caucasian, no real food allergies outside of ORAL ALLERGY SYNDROME when I eat apples and a few other fruits/nuts, i drink a lot of diet soda, drink alcohol RARELY, occasional heartburn, penicillin allergy.... curious about the rest of you.

Good luck to US ALL!!! I'll check back in here soon.

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Hi JP, I think the answer might be as simple as some of us are just more sensitive to this drug than others. I've done exhaustive searches and this is pretty much what bubbled up after reading hundreds of posts (and zero explanations from the medical profession because they absolutely refuse to recognize Zyrtec withdrawal for what it is, as we all know). Like you, I was just taking Zyrtec seasonally for about 7 years before I started to make a connection between stopping taking it and the itching (duh, I know). But for me there was a cumulative effect it seems, because the symptoms only became really bad after several years of stop/starting. Finally by the time I realized it was Zyrtec and stopped completely I entered into an indescribable year of horror withdrawal. I'm trying not to exaggerate but it really was pure hell and deep itching and sleepless nights and (countless) open sores due to irritated nerve endings. So after 12 months, finally free, I made the mistake of taking Claritin for really bad spring allergies and found that now I can't get off Claritin either, for the same reasons. Not sure if Zyrtec triggered that or if I'd never laid eyes on Zyrtec I'd now be sensitive to Claritin. Anyway so it is. So I take a Claritin every other day now while gathering the courage to try withdrawal again. Final thing, good luck with your goals re: antihistamines. Just ugh.

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Hi Linda
How are you doing now since June. I was down to less than an 8th of a tablet and went without today. I have struggled along using a couple of ibruphen and 75mg Zantac(Ranatadine) indigestion med H2 blocker .It reduced the itch to a managable level which was a surprise if anyone wants to try it by itself.

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I am experiencing it i am day 4 off of Reactine and i get itchy in different places it moves around.

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Hi lizzy. I haven't had cetirizine since June. I still have periods of itching but it doesn't last. Gradually reducing the dose worked for me. Can I ask how does the ranitidine help

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Hi Linda. I was diagnosed in Feb 14 with Urticaria which I think was caused by a virus but I can't be sure. My GP gave me different antihistamines including Citerizine that didn't really work, I was in a desperate situation it was from the top of my head to my feet. I checked out the internet and people had got relief from Zantac (ranitidine) along with normal anti histamines. I took one dose and watched my rash fade before my eyes. It still took months to get it under control and I had to see a consultant at the hospital who doubled even trebled the dose of my meds including Zantac as they knew about its benefits.
Ranatadine is a H2 blocker that works on the acid in your stomach, its is said that there are H2 receptors in the skin and that many (not all) find relief with it used alongside a H1 antihistamine.

In my case in coming off Citerezine I weaned myself down to a crumb before stopping. I still exploded with about 40% coverage of really angry hives but not the 100% coverage that happened when I went cold turkey. This 40% was still very very bad but I thought I would give the Renatadine a try and it did really help along with Ibuprophen and Paracetamol. I don't think that even after weaning you should have to go it alone. I would say stock up with creams you have found to help in the past for me that would be Power Freeze and when the rash is not too bad Aveeno lotion.
Ranatadine (Zantac) is an over the counter med you can get in the supermarket. It may only be useful for those of us who initially had Urticaria (hives) but I think it is worth a try for the withdrawal effects of severe itching.

I am only now 8 days without and I just have a few spots in the morning that disappear on their own after about an hour and I have a few more late at night but I am managing without anything.

I do know that I stayed on Citerezine about a year longer than I needed to. I cant ever say it wont flare badly again and I'm not sure what I will do then but I least I will be better prepared.

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Use of zyrtek resulted in massive swelling of my face. To the point my skin peeled off on several occasions. Doc told me to take two and a Zantac when I felt the problem coming on. Only made it worse, thought I was going nuts eyes swelled shut burning skin. Did a little research and have decided the heavy prescribed doses of meds were the problem. Quit three a days ago and destroyed remaining pills. My face is still a mess pressure on eyes, but I feel improvement. Drinking water like a fish.only took zyrtek a limited time.

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Litigation is needed. The withdrawal symptoms are absolutely terrible. Itching and burning - what hell is this!!! This product is great for the marketers only - it creates skin allergy symptoms that are only cured by USING MORE ZYRTEC!!! Doctors are oblivious to it as well - USE MOAR ZYRTEC!!! What a scam! It is sad that the FDA is driven by the money of big pharma...

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I was diagnosed with chronic hives in Feb 2015, and have been taking Zyrtec ever since. My allergist told me to stop the med in June, but 26 hours after stopping, the hives came back, faster than before. I went that night without sleep, and by 10am, the hives went away. But at 9pm that night, they were back, and covered more of my body. I also experienced a lump in my throat, that got me very concerned, so I took 2 Benadryl and the Zyrtec. Hives and lump were gone by 11 pm and I slept fine. A call to my allergist and he said, just keep taking the Zyrtec, and see me in August. Just saw him and asked about rebound and he says, no, just a myth from people who don't understand medicine (non doctors). He told me to stop taking the Zyrtec, and if symptoms come take it or Benadryl as needed.

So now I have gone 1 week, and I get about 48 hours before the hives come back. I have decided to take it at night, why suffer right?

I also get a lump in my throat, anyone else get this?

I told my dr. And he said I am not experiencing allergies, just chronic urticaria, hives. He says I have nothing to fear, like Anaphylactic shock, but he said, if it makes me feel better to take the Zyrtec to give me peace of mind, then I should just take it. He insists there is no long term health risk to taking it.

I want to stop, but the lump thing bugs me, and what is the point of suffering sleepless nights?

I read a lot about cutting the pill, so that is a new thought to me. Maybe cutting it in half and take as needed. But...

Does it work as fast when done this way? I see results in about 2 hours with the whole pill.

if I take a half pill will it work half as long?

I am just trying to learn what to expect if I cut my dose.

I want to document my journey here for others to find.

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Here is my issue with Zyrtec... I have NEVER had skin issues (chronic itching etc) until I have stopped taking Zyrtec. I am not a Doctor, but I also have a vested interest in actually finding the cause - not just treating symptoms. Most doctors simply try to find the quickest solution for problems without taking time to understand the problem. A couple health issues I had earlier were due to food allergies - my doctors didn't even go that route and simply suggested taking pills to treat the problems and not actually finding the cause of the problem. With all the people writing about Zyrtec "itching", myself being one of them, there is most likely something peculiar with the drug. It may not happen to everyone, but enough people...

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Taking a half of a pill every other day works for me. I figured this out after experimenting for a few weeks. I can never go without it tho. The itching is too intense as is the lack of sleep. Hope you find what works for you!

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I am also completely baffled by the strange denial of doctors to the connection between going off Zyrtec and miserable itching. BTW, as far as I'm concerned the adjective to describe this itching has not been invented yet, so I lamely use the word miserable. Anyway back to those doctors, Legal Action is dead on about having no inclination to work on the root problem or even find it for that matter. When I told mine I would like a suggestion for less painful withdrawal from Zyrtec his response was to take Zyrtec and everything about the way he said it indicated that it was so obvious that how could I not see it myself? He could not even understand the concept that people don't want to be on medications unless they're actually needed, say for seasonal allergies. It's sort of like not even in their training. TOTALLY CREEPY. I'm the one that's still taking Claritin every other day because I went through 6-12 mo of Zyrtec withdrawal and then took Claritin when spring got really bad and now get that same itching trying to get off Clairitin. I suspect Zyrtec is the main target because Zyrtec has the most effective histamine suppressant. Just a hunch. But my sister takes chlortrimaton (old school) and she's never quit because of the itching with withdrawal. I just hate being in this trap, wish I'd never heard of Zyrtec.

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If you've been taking it for a long time, then expect to go through sadly...HELL, in order to get off of it. I quit, suffered for two weeks of the unbearable stuff, then after about 2-3 months began to see the hives disappear completely, never to return. Expect to hold onto water weight for about 6 months, then slowly your body will begin to normalize. I had gained 30 pounds of water weight. Just be patient and try to add; Evening Primrose Oil (for itching), Milk Thistle (to realign your histamine), and hot baths or showers with all the typical remedies. I promise you, you will never look back---just DO NOT use any other drug that will give you other side effects. It's counter productive. Grin and bear the agony, because it will be gone for the rest of your life if you can stay strong now. Even a powder dust of Zyrtek will send you back to the beginning.

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Just checking in, message #2.

Hives are driving me nuts! Just found some new info on a natural means to relieve itchy hives. Quercetin and bromelain at 500 mg. used it last night. Seemed to relieve hives for about 2 hours, then they slowly came back. I took the combination 3 times thru the night. I will continue this treatment and post my results here.

I hope that by going natural, I can get the rebound effect of Zyrtec to go away.

I am also using aloe Vera and menthol rub to relieve the itching and it helps some, not perfect though.

Still getting a lump in my throat at night. It has never got to the point of restricting breathing, but that is my future fear. I end up clearing my throat all night due to the strange feeling of this lump thing.

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I have to stop Zyrtec for allergy testing next week. I can not have antihistamines until after the testing. I have been on Zyrtec for 10 years and have sinus infections every 30-45 days since then. Dr still had me keep taking Zyrtec. What should I do now? So confused.

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Just stay the course and never take it again. Trust me. You will be tempted, but don't. I am on week 4 and finally the itching is ceasing. I am not a doctor, but mine told me to resume taking it after my allergy test. I did not and am happy to report that after a long month, I am much better and not on any antihistamines.

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I've been struggling with the same problem. I was prescribed Zyrtec on a daily basis, due to Urticaria or hives. Eventually, when I went to discontinue this, even temporarily for allergy testing and found the itching to come on about 24 hours after my last dose and it was unbearable. I eventually switched over to Allegra, as I've read it is at least slightly less challenging to get off of. However, I am still taking the Allegra and cannot yet get myself off. I've tried at least 3-4 times, but the itching causes me to give in and take another dose. I'm hoping to titrate off during the winter, but who knows.

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It is difficult to get off of. I used slow release vitamin c and quercetin ( a natural citrus based flavanoid with antihistamine like properties) to help get off of actual antihistamines.

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Checking in my progress for getting off the big Z.

As i noted before, I am taking quercetin and bromelain. I have tried several dosages, and I have settled on 1000mg of quercetin and 500mg of bromelain at 10:30pm, and I make it thru the night sleeping. At 5:30 am my normal wakeup time, i do not have hives, but the itching is starting, ever so slight. But since I am starting my day, my natural antihistamine functions kick in and I remain hive free all day.

I added a few more herbs to my mix, and I think they are helping. Echenasea 1050mg at dinner, licorice root (2 tabs in am, and 2 tabs at dinner), tumeric at am, stinging nettle at dinner.

The licorice root seems to gave yhe most notable value for me, beyond the hives issue. I also have more energy and alertness. I can sense the effects in about 30 minutes.

I hope to reduce these herbs as I notice the hives getting less intense, but I am not there yet. only about 1 week off of Z and benadryl.

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