Is Wysolone Safe??
UpdatedHi i am 28 years old and was diagnosed with optic neuritis which has been treated but as prescribed by my doctor I was taking 60 mg first then 50 mg nw 40 mg an then will be taking 10 mg and then I have to stop the dosage .. however I feel that my face has swollen and have got double chin as well although I was already heavy weight but I didn't c have double chin and swollen face. My head feels heavy and some times headache also noticed ... Please help is this normal ??
3 Replies
This medication contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, and yes, those can be normal side effects of it, according to NIH reports. Fluid retention, nervousness, and insomnia are also listed as possible side effects.
How are you doing, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Hi I am doing ok now but I still feel heavy from my face n neck and eyes heavy as it is swallon and I don't feel comfortable.. no headache though. And I am still taking wysolone 10mg and 3 more dose left ...and I also had some problem in my throat so I took synex3 and cipmax500mg but I am worried ... about my face will it subside automatically after I stop taking the medicine or do I have to take any thing else.??
Re: Dipz (# 2)
And I was also prescribed neurobion forte and nw I also feel pain in May jaw
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