Inactive Ingredients:
- Silicon Dioxide
- Starch, Corn
- FD&C Blue No. 1
- Aluminum Oxide
- Hypromellose 2910 (15 Mpa.s)
- Starch, Corn
- Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato
- Stearic Acid
- Lactose Monohydrate
I have a blue pill that is small round and has watson 795 on one side and nothing on the other
if at all could someone find out what a blue round pill that has watson 795 on one side and nothing on the other side
besides that do any girls know where to get any ovualtion pills or anything?
watson 795 is really valium ,i just got my wisdom teeth out and thats wat i got
i thought if it as a sleeping pill made me more tired then anything but i guess it would effect people differently
it is a pill for IBS, but it is mainly valium, i asked my step mom shes a doctor
Hi everyone,
After some research, I found that WATSON 795 is in fact 20 mg Dicyclomine HCI, generic for Bentyl. It is manufactured by watson pharmaceuticals, and is generally prescribed for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
Hope this helps!
i have a blue valuum with the letters z on one side and f on the other half on one side... how strong are these ones ? what type
Watson Pharmaceuticals manufactures diazepam with the following codes:
2 mg embossed 5621 DAN 2 white round
5 mg embossed 5619 DAN 5 yellow round
10 mg embossed 5620 DAN 10 blue round
It's user for irritable bowl movement not an opiate of any sort
?? That doesn't make sense a dentist would give you it's not even a pain relief opiate
Its a pill that prevents stomach pains, cramps ext.. Its not a valium at all. My nephew is prescribed to it
it is used for IBS it NOT valium or another type of drug not an opiate toss it
I have blue round pill watson 795 on it and need to no is it valium or not
Dicyclomine 20 mg. An anticonvulsive for ibs. Never assume you have found a certain medication until you consult first, your physician. Then a pharmacist.
It’s dicyclomine, a non narcotic abdominal medication. It won't make you inebriated or anything.
Re: lizzy (# 8)
Your stepmother is either a horrible doctor or you misunderstood her.It is in NO WAY a Valium or even slightly related to it
Re: sonndy (# 13)
It works better as I’m sure.
Re: D (# 4)
Lol. Sure, if you're 19 and have only known of somebody who takes pills for their stomach because of the consequences of whatever else is taken. Nice try
Always google what you have like the color and numbers or words or letters
Dicyclomine is used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome; noninfectious colitis and belongs to the drug class anticholinergics/antispasmodics. There is no proven risk in humans during pregnancy. Dicyclomine 20 mg is not a controlled substance under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). Either you didn't ask your step mom or she isn't a doc. Has no Valium in this whatsoever...
Any time you come across a pill with an imprint, all you have to do is go to Google and type in the imprinted pill name / number. For example, l was wondering what a small, round, blue pill is with the imprint: watson 795. Do not believe all the blog responses as many of them are dead wrong. Do your own research for accuracy.
No it isn't, it is dicyclimine, used for stomach cramping, burning etc.
IS IT CLONOPIN ## The pill in description is Dicyclomine HCl (20 mg). Dicyclomine are used to treat intestinal hypermoti...
Small blue pill with Watson 795 on one side and nothing on the other. What is this pill? ## I need to know what they are...
Small round blue pill Watson has 795 on it. I really need the correct info on this pill & any possible side effects....
side effects ## The pill in description is Dicyclomine HCl (20 mg). Side effects include: Dry mouth, nausea and at highe...
Does a WATSON 795 pill contain Oxycodone 30 mg? ## A round blue pill imprinted with "WATSON 795" is Dicyclomine ...
Please identify. ## WATSON 795 blue pill is Dicyclomine 20 mg manufactured by Watson Labs. It is used to treat Irritable...
Blue pill imprint watson 795 on one side and nothing on other side. ## Hi, Ted! How are you? A round, blue tablet with W...
my pharmacist told me that watson is discontinuing the hydrocodone blue 10/500 rx, and the only ones we would be able to...
which helps more watson hydrocodone acetaminophen 5 325 compared to qualtest hydrocodone acetaminophen 5 325??? ## To me...
Well i dont like it. I know i will not use walgreens anymore for my vicotin this med. Makes me drowsy it dont really hel...