Is This What They Call Break Through Bleeding?


I have been on Minsatrin 24 fe for about three months now (before that I was on loestrin and then got put on gildis (Or whatever that off brand is. I can never remember how to spell it) so I've been on birth control since 2011) bc no one told me I could get minastrin for the same price as loestrin. Anyways, I got really sick last night and woke up with blood consistent with a period (with even a little clotting). I'm only on the second row of white pills and I've never had this happen before. Has this happened to anyone else or what is this?

4 Replies

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Hi Rikuya! It is normal 2 have break through bleeding, while on the birth control. It may happen 4 a couple of months or so, until your body becomes adjusted 2 the new birth control. If u continue 2 have heavy bleeding and clotting, I would call your doctor.

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Thanks for your reply. I was concerned because I always thought breakthrough bleeding was just spotting and this isn't what's happening. It's the amount of a slow period day for me.

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Any bleeding is considered breakthrough bleeding, it can range from a full heavy flow to just light spotting.

Beyond that, I echo what Cats68 said, if it continues.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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I think I know what had happened. I had somehow missed a pill (don't know how or which day but I looked at my pack and I was a day off) and then when I got really sick the pill that I had taken that night must have come up with everything else so it didn't have time to take effect. And on the birthcontrol I am on it takes two days of no pills for a period to trigger so it must have been triggered that way. Thanks for the replaies.

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