Is There A Certain Radius For Rx's To Fill Scripts
UpdatedI love the physician I am seeing, but he has move his office a now I drive about an hour and a half to see him. my regular pharmacy which is right across the street from where I live is now refusing to fill my prescriptions. Some people drive hours to see reputable specialist, which these days are not easy to find these days, can someone explain to me what the problem is please and thank you?
1 Reply
Hello, Dianne! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.
There is a limit on how much of any controlled substance a pharmacy can order in and stock each month, it's based on the size of the pharmacy and their customer base. It used to be that this limit was rarely enforced, so when they ran out of any certain medication, they could just order more in…however, the DEA has started making them respect these limits to gain better control of the supply to try to prevent theft and diversion.
This has caused many pharmacies to start restricting who they will fill prescriptions for and most have a certain radius they now require both the customer and the doctor to be within, or they will not fill them.
You may want to contact the doctor about it, they may have a pharmacy that they work with that will fill them for you.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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