Is The Gabapentin Affecting My Eyes? (Page 4)
UpdatedI am now taking 7 x 300 gabapentin per day and am getting terrible eye problems: double and blurred vision, I am also sufering unnerving confusion, could it be a side effect of the gabapentin?
I have been taking gabapentin for 9days 300mg 3xdaily for itching and nerve pain side effects are more itching sunburn face sweating double vision swollen eye lid feeling of confusion my nerve pain has gotten better but my itching is worse I hope this makes you feel that your not alone I am hoping that the side effects will go away after I have been on it for a while good luck loretta
One in ten people will suffer disturbances to their vision - that's what it says on the 'blurb' that comes with it. I don't think this is acceptable. Vision is of prime importance and not to be treated lightly. Some people report their vision remains affected, even when the drug is stopped. I will make sure it's never used again in our house and I'd advise anyone else to proceed with caution, if prescribed it. My husband's eyes are improving slowly. Doctors are reluctant to confirm any relation to eye disturbance and Nuerontin.
I have been taking gabapentin 300mg 3xdaily for 10 days I am still having double vision and it is not getting any better I am taking it for itching and pain. I also sweat really bad and this morning my neck is so swollen and also my eye lid I want to go off it but is does help my pain. I am hoping the side effects will go away I wish you the best and know that you are not alone.
I am just sick reading that your eyes were permanently damaged from this medication! My mom is 74 and was only on Gabapentin for 18 days at a low dose of 300/day. After the side effects started she went off of it, but the side effects REMAIN now 4 days later! Her side effects are: Visual disturbances in her right eye (partial blockage of vision on the outer edge, a square "box" in the center of her visual field) + dizziness, loss of coordination/balance, and headache.
I am really really hoping that these side effects are not permanent. It's effecting every aspect of her life!!
Please update if you eventually found that your side effects diminished or went away
I am on 1200mg daily of gabapentin for pain and itching been on it for 4months my eyesight is very blurry and is getting worse I also have really bad headaches I cannot read anymore as it is to blurry I told my doctor about this and he said it will go away in time it has been 4 months I am terrified I am going to lose my vision.
Omg! Me too - with my right eye. No one can figure out what the problem is but i am leaning toward the gabapentin side effect.
Just started gabapentin today, I have MS and been feeling numbness on my left hand, Neurologist prescription me 300mg twice a day, now I'm scare to take it after reading all the feedbacks... Due to my MS I lost vision on my left eye and I really can't afford loss of vision on other eye.. Thank You for all the feedback, I guess it's time to have a serious talk with my DR......
Happens to me. Use peripheral awareness training. It can be found on youtube. When i get morning double vision, this takes it away.
If its for pain way 2 high. I was prescribed 900mg ×4/day I could
not get above 600mg once 400mg.I thought my head would explode
I couldn't stand the visual disturbing images still exist 4months later.
I had an allergic reaction requiring hospital stay. When I spoke with
my MD he told me he could never handel more than 200mg max.
Yes . One side effect is blurred vision double vision but it isn't overdose side effect. They started me on gabapentin a year ago I am taking 5000 milligrams per day no choice pain just keeps coming back double vision blurred vision and passing out fortunately Gabapentin can't kill I guess
My eyes are not functioning like they were is it the gabapentin?
I'm on 10 Gabapentin daily, 3 in the morning, 4 at midday and 3 at night. I also take 2 10mg slow release morphine pills in the morning and 1 at night. I am getting a lot of blurred vision and only had my eyes tested and new glasses prescribed 6 weeks ago. The Gabapentin is fairly new with me. I've been on it since the 21st of Dec 2016. Before that I was taking 100 mg of morphine along with the slow release for a bad back. Now I find I am pain free in the mornings but as the day goes on I get pain in my lower back and by 6 / 7 in the evening it can be really bad. I'm 64 and really don't need this daily constant pain. My Doc has booked me in to see a neurosurgeon but that could take months, then if he decides to take it further more waiting time. I really cant handle the constant pain and sometimes I get thoughts of suicide. I don't think I'd ever go thru with that as I'm a coward but no one is meant to live with this amount of pain. Anyway getting back to the beginning, I have bad blurred vision which makes watching a movie a bit hard and using the computer very hard.
In my opinion I hated that drug. Made me fuzzy all the time,yes affected my vision and had a severe back injury made me gain 18 pounds. Which either one I can see can be good for someone with a back injury. Carrying around the extra weight and blurred vision recipe for disaster. At age 64 for you please be careful and address this with your doctor. Report your symptoms to your insurance company. Just incase doctor gives you a problem changing your mess. If he does file a greivence against him. He can't refuse to treat you or drop you as a patient.
I've been taking Gabapentin for four days now for fibromyalgia and all of a sudden I went from reading to having blurry double vision. I sure hope this doesn't last long.
My doctor has said that blurry vision is a side effect of Gabapentin He also went onto say that I could experience "confusion" as he called it and irritability . He said that these side effects should pass but he wouldn't give a specific time . Over the years I have seen 2 to 3 doctors in the practice and they are good doctors . They have tried to explain the effects of Gabapentin and I do get the impression that they only know what their textbooks tell them , which is fair enough . It definitely beats having to take 100m mg of morphine per day which towards the end wasn't killing the pain but by that time I was addicted and needed to take the little blue pills regardless .I feel so much better off the morphine . Last night I got very bad blurred vision to the point where even watching a movie was difficult. I have woken this morning at 7 after a fairly good night's sleep with my stomach churning and feeling pretty crook . It's now 8 and the feeling has lessened but not completely gone . I Hate feeling like this but the pain is gone . It will return in the late afternoon . My doc has been told what is happening and the explanation given is that the normal moving about during the day aggravates my back to the point where the gabapentin is not able to suppress the pain . As I said in my last post I Hate what has happened to me , I used to be so fit and loved going for walks .Im able to go for a walk each day weather permitting but it is a very short walk .So now I can only wait and see if the side effects disappear over time .
My eyes are blurry since taking this med, also has effected my vision.
Yes definitely .I was sent to the optician for a check just to be sure but my Doctor did say that blurred vision is a side effect .The Confusion I can relate to although I havent talked to my doc about it . I just tell myself it's ok and I will manage to get thru whatever it is Im doing
My mums eyes look very dark like old blood or something she is on four 300 gram gabapentin a day and four 30 mg of dihydracodeine could the tablets be vausing it
I am now taking 12 a day the highest dose .Ive been in bad sleeping and woke up at 12.30 , made a coffee and right now my eyes are ok .I reckon Im going to have to give it a month and then if the side effects are still as bad wean myself off it .Ivew had a look on line at alternatives to gabapentin and they all have the same side effects so no point in trying them .Hopefully in a months time the side effects will be gone . I'll keep you posted .
Me too. I only take 1 300mg tab at bed and I'm experiencing double vision. I really don't like this drug
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