Is It Possable To Fly To A Country That Still Sells The Real Oc With My Us Script?
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Do certain country's still get the real OC if so which ones and can someone just book a round trip plane ticket and take their US script and get it filled and return to the states without any problems?


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some pharmacies in the US do still have the original OC's. A friend of mine asked for generic, and actually received the real thing. It has been rumored that they may be bringing them back into the market because people who have colostomy bags are seeing the OP's come back out in a jelly gob-like form. They are making people sick.

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No, you wouldn't find the original tablets with the OC marking, unless someone happened to have a stock left-over, because Purdue has stopped manufacturing them.

Some countries do have generics available, unlike the U.S.

The problem you would run into, however, stems from the drug importation laws. If you are in a foreign country and a medication was prescribed there, you can bring in up to a 3 month supply.

But, taking a prescription to a foreign country and trying to get a medication to bring back to the U.S. is a whole different ball of wax. This is only legal if there is no equivalent medication available in the U.S. and requires prior approval, which your doctor has to get from the FDA.

In addition, foreign countries have their own prescription laws and many will not even consider a prescription from a U.S. doctor to be valid.

So, is it possible to do this and get away with it, yes, there is always the possibility of getting away with any illegal activity.

But, in fact, you do run the risk of the entire thing being a futile effort, the medication could be seized and destroyed by customs and/or you could end up in legal trouble.


Is there anything else I can help you with?

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