Is It Okay To Chew A Fentanyl 50mg Pain Patch? (Page 36)
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I've been prescribed fentanyl 50mg pain patches and i was just wondering if it's okay to cut one in half an chew on it?
I want to know I am on 100 mg fen.patch and I have been for a year and of course it doesnt work as well as it did in the beginning.I am currently going through the motions to have the pain stimulator put in and I just finished my trail and had it removed today and now my pain is through the rroof so I want to make the patch I am wearing work a little faster are there ways to do this.I do not want to eat them,that is way to scary but I have 7 patches left and need to make them last 2 weeks so I have a little leeway to speed up the effectiveness of them.
i am a 25 yr old 115 lbs female who has been on fentanyl for 6 years due to a neuropathy which resulted in intense burning pain thru my legs and back. prior to fentanyl, i was SUPER sensitive to any sort of mind/physical altering substane. im the type of person who couldnt have a diet coke at dinner bc the caffiene would keep me up all night. i never even took advil and hated being medicated so when my pain was so unbearable i did a S**T TON of research on medications.
nobody dies from TOUCHING a patch. even if they have strong opiad sensitivity they get sick. people do die from chewing, or wearing 2 at a time or rubbing the gel on themselves. no matter what anybody says here, if someone wants to get high, they will find a way. i agree, i think people should stick to pot if youre going to use drugs at all, but lets be realistic, thatll never happen. if people have a death wish, its their problem. there are enough resources (online, pharmacies, hospitals, etc) where they can get reliable info. if someone is dumb enough to chew a fentanyl patch, then congrats. darwinisms survival of the fittest. this isnt like coke where you can call a pharmacy and say hey im wanting to get high, whats the most amount i can take before i will od? if people value their life but are still bent on getting a fentanyl high they can pretend to be a patient and call a pharmacist and say hey was just prescribed this and am a little concerned, for my weight and height, what should my dosage be 25 mcg vs 50 vs 100? frankly i have never had the fentanyl high. i go from excruciating pain to normal to sick. ive never gotten a high, only severe vomiting.
i agree it makes it harder for the rest of us with actual probs to get around with the laws on prescriptions, but if people are dumb enough to do it, nobody is going to change their mind on here. and it sure as hell wasnt the dealers fault for dumb a***s overdosing. people know the dangers of narcotics. even my 14 yr old catholic school, sheltered, perfect angel sister knows not to mess with this stuff.
To the 'alleged' nurse... My son was in a coma on two different occasions from overdosing on tis patch. I have been on them for 11 years now and I do KNOW what I'm talking about. If you were a nurse you would have youyr licence revoked for publishing such irresponsible information which is not the least but true. I have close to $200,000. in medical bills fro the two times my 40 year old son over dosed on Fentanyl Patches. Are you a total idiot or just a crazy liar?
Ye sit is TRUE people have dies placing the patches on people because they were opiate sensiitive. Yes people die often from chewing the patches or pieces of the patch because it freezes the lungs. Anyoe who would advocate chewing or using more than what is precsribed of this or any other drug is both irresponsible and criminal.
I have even overdosed accidently from having my patch on in the hot tub underwater without thinking. So don't tell mme you knw anything about these patches. I have been taking the 100mcg. patch for 10 years after starting with the 25mcg and working my way up. You are a total idiot to encourage peopel to look at this drug lightly. For all you who don't know who to belive, call your local pharmacist or your local hospital. If this person on here is sayinmg they are a nurse..they are an angel of death nurse. Call Walgreens oir your hospital before doing anyhing stupid that you can't undo. And don't listen to idiots like this nurse imposter. No nurse in their right mind would ever encourage someone to take something that is not prescribed to them. This person i a dangerous wacko. If you listen to this person you may die. If you listen to me it is impossile to die. Now call the phamacist or the hospital and find out for yourselves.
Ignorant people should not voice their opinion... No one has ever died from touching a patch and applying it to someone (unless they had the most ridiculous allergy ever). I am a nurse and a pain patient. Take them as prescribed please and blame noone but the ppl who ODed for their actions. It took me a long time to get proper hlep for my pain, and yes, after some time i took matters into my own hands to handle my pain until my DR's began to help. Chewing it is likely a waste neway especially if you have any type of opiate tolerance. You take any opiate you automatically have a tolerance to fentanyl (its called cross-tolerance). People need to do research before they give terrible, stupid, advice or make outrageous, ignorant, stupid comments like Josephwisdom just gave. Sir, you are an idiot, stop trying to give advice/scare ppl because you just showed us all that you know perfectly-zero about this topic. Thanks, Bye
people are so dumb they blame the people who sold it when the one who died made thare own dicision to buy the drug you are your own person and when you do drugs you know the consequences
People have died just touching the patch to place it on someone who needs it. You CANNOT chew ANY PART of this patch! It can kill you!!
what if your in pain but your doctor wont prescribe you anything that helps right now so you've been getting meds off the streets to help the pain and make it day by day until the day he does prescribe? Can you cut it into 8ths and chew to make the pain go away? not a high but just be pain free for a couple hours?
{removed for safety reasons}
I have been on Fentanyl 100 mgs for nine years. Some times I forget when I'm in the hot tub that my arm with the patch is in the water and I stop breathing. If you chew a patch, it WILL kill you. Even if you just wear one without building a tolerance it may KILL you. My son overdosed on Fenatnyl twice and was in a coma both times. DON'T EVER CHEW FENTANYL PATCHES!!!!
I for one took a 50mcg/h patch orally and I ended up in the hospital, my wife had to take me. I almost died. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! DO NOT CHEW OR YOU WILL DIE!
Im a chronic pain sufferer and have been on many different types of opiods in the past. Fentanyl 50 has been great, and true any drug can be abused. But due to people abusing them it makes it hard for people like me to get the drugs that I need to live a more normal life. Geeked on Coke and Its Me don't seem to need opiods except to get high - S**t I like to get high, but I like to control my pain more and I know that if I chewed them (even slowly) they wouldn't last for the 72 hrs there supposed to last for and I'd be in deep s**t also could be dead with an overdose. Also I agree with what Meh 125 said - people do have to take responsibility for their own actions. I wouldnt sell my meds at any price but that wont stop people who really want these drugs to get high - they will either go elsewhere or steal them from somewhere. It is not the person who supplies the drugs that forces the buyer to use them. The user just needs to admit they have a problem and get help for it before they do damage to themselves and hurt others. Including genuine pain sufferers that do rely on these drugs.
Re: meh125 (# 8)
im sorry for ur loss and everything u said but , i am a recovering opoid addict, im on 150mg of methadone , anyway my mother wud always go nuts after ppl who supply the s***...but guess what ur girl, or me or u or any1 has a brain a will and the ability to take something themselves, unless some1 shoves something down ur throat or up ur nose or in ur arm then im sorry u have nothing to be bitter about towards the person who sold it to her because u know how many ppl probly bought sh*t the same hour and it was all there own faults just like i can admit that it is no1 else's fault but mine that i became addited to opioids and all that, but guess what i myself sought it out plotted how and where to get it and administered it to myself . so think about that for a minute, because like a lot of ppl who think that way its very ignorant way to think, people take responsibility for what they do the outcome is always because of their own actions not from some1 making a transaction . think about it for a minute . yea ur mad but one day ur going to have to get over the fact that a drug addict is the one who makes the move, not the dealer. i know i am totally responsible for my overdose i almost died i was blue and gray and unconscious on the floor right away my mother is screaming at me "i'm gunna kill the a-hole who gave this to u", and I'm like wait a minute ok, like i wanted this so i went out and got it and shot it in me so ur looking to b mad at the wrong person b mad at me for doing it. like we all know dealers don't care much about their clients but i dont think they want them dead then they loose ......i dunno thats my feel of it and many others ive talked to agree.
I am now using Fentanyl 75mg as of this monday. I know that I have a high tolorence for opiates. I have read so many articles on the Fentanyl patch that I have become dizzy. I know that it must be very tempting to use them the wrong way. But I would rather have some marijuana than to O.D. I live in California and I have a medical cannabis card and have now started growing in my basement due to the expense. I know that in the long run it will be a great deal cheaper to grow it, Plus I can control what goes in my plants thus what come out in the end product. a $1000.00 investment for the equipment will reap me unbelievable results. They cannabis strains just for pain. I also have a license to grow for medical MMJ usage.
I am already a little over a month in my grow and in another month and two weeks I should have enough until summer if I were not to grow any more for awhile.
My brother-in-law just passed away in November of 09 from chewing those damn patches that he got from a friend. The friend told him that if he chewed them then the medicine will get into his system faster. Oh and it did. The coroners report said that 2.0 is considered and overdose, his was 18.0. So please please use then with extreme caution. And only if they are prescibed to YOU! Chewing them should never be a option. I just wish he would have realized that before he died.
Makayla10, I have been on the patches for 4 years. My Pdoc, starts with 25, goes to 50 quite soon. He said the 25 is mainly to get you used to the drug. I stayed on the 50 for over a year and a half. I use a 75 now, always with other meds for break through pain. I have been very happy with the patches, no highs but good pain relief. This drug does need to be handled carefully especially around young children or pets.
my daughter took an op stronger than an oxy and did not wake up.She paid 30 dollars for it. This medicine is given by pain clinics but people sell it for 30.00 a pill and something needs to be done about it. i don't mind a perocet or loratab but these things are deadly and lethal and people should be punished for this. She was beautiful and so full of life and now she is dead and leaves me a sister, three children and grandchildren and i am getting more bitter by the day at the people who sold her this, and they are still doing it, they make a good living at it, but i have lost all respect for them, does anyone ever thing that one day they will get what is comming to them?
DON'T do it ever PLEASE
my precious nephew died doing this very thing. Life will NEVER be the same without him! Plese, if not for yourself....please think of those you could leave behind.
Hi there. I just started seeing a PM dr about 3 weeks ago. I was strated on the Fentanyl patch 25 mcg. The problem is I already feel a lot less relief than I did the first week. Is it possible to have already built up a tolerance to it? I also wanted to say that I just read a post here where someone actually asked if its SAFE to chew a Fentanyl patch. 2 people answered and gave better ideas on how to go about this! I'm brand new here and to these kind of meds. What kind of message r u sending here to new people like me????? I even know that's just wrong! Plz keep your sick deadly ODing ideas to yourself and then u probably won't have to be responsible for someone else possibly ODing. That would be so horrible! And thank u for the serious people that r here for support and to help each other only. Makayla10
Do not chew the patch. It's not worth the risk think what it will do to your family if you od and die. I have a cousin this past weekend that was chewing a patch and died. People are always looking for a high, get high on life. Do not chew even a little bit because you will not know if it's too much.
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