Is It Safe To Take A Red Capsule Teva 3147?
UpdatedMy in-law gave me this red capsule with TEVA and 3147 on it. Is it safe for me to take? Will it help my toothache?
1 Reply
Hi Fay,
The pill which you are describing is Cephalexin Monohydrate (500 mg); an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections (including toothaches).
Learn More: Cephalexin Details
I'd say it's safe to take as long as you're able to take a full prescribed amount of it in order to kill the infection. If you're only taking 1 pill, you may want to take some additional precautions to get rid of the infection indefinitely. One cheap but effective option is clove essential oil. It's an oil worth keeping in your medicine cabinet for future use and usually runs about $10-15 for a bottle that lasts for ages.
I hope this helps!
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