Is There Interaction Known Between Rafassal And Prednison Prednisone (Top voted first)


my husband suffered after radiation from collitis. He got rafassal caplets for 5 months and later on prednison(60mg aday during alittle over 3 weeks.)All of a sudden he developed being lame;can't move his legs and body anymore.can't stand up ! Is this a known interreaction from those medications? He uses many other medications as well but already for a much longer time with no side effects.In a short time it is as if the mucles faded away after he got oedemia,which also disappeared.He has a heart problem(pace maker and defribilator since 2004).

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Prednisone is a bad drug, and probably caused the paralysis. It sure gave me an ugly bouquet of problems. My psoriasis flared in new places- it was only my legs, now my neck and shoulders. I caught a cold by day 3 on a 20mg dose. My face swelled and mooned. By day 4, i threw out the bottle. I found out my mother was taking prednisone for psoriasis with no relief and terrible side effects, and told her to stop taking it. Thank God we

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#1) I would never recommend to anyone to stop any drug abruptly, especially when you have no idea what you are doing. I would hope that people would consult a Dr rather than listening to ignorant people on the internet. Our bodies produce a natural steroid called "Cortisol". When you take prednisone for more than a few days our Cortisol levels decrease or stops all together. ***Abruptly discontinuing the use of this drug can cause "Adrenal Insufficiency." Early signs and symptoms include (Unusual fatigue and muscle weakness, Dizziness when standing, Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, Loss of appetite, Stomachache)...Later stage includes (Weight loss, Dark tanning of the skin, Craving for salt). Steroids must be weened off slowly so that your body and begin to once again produce it's own Cortisol.

#2) I can tell you from experience, that after being in the hospital for 2 weeks with pneumonia and high doses of Prednisone, I completely loss the use of my legs. I was so scared and the Dr couldn't explain why it had happened. I slowly regained the use of my legs in about 2 weeks and completely recovered.

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