Is There A Representative For All Chronic Pain Patients (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Is there a rep. for the ppl. who were controlled on 3 OxyContin OC a day, who now suffer and have proved the new OPs DON'T WORK? NO MATTER WHAT PURDUE OR FDA SAY? We need a rep. for us chronic pain patients, who were controlled and NOW SUFFER & CAN'T DO MORE THAN LAY IN BED CRYING.

68 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: Barbara (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Barbara who do I write to first? The senator of NY the FDA the DEA the president? Any suggestions would b helpful. Sue

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Re: Painwarrior (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

If you have the money, just find yourself a good fentanyl doc and start getting it, it is a great pain killer - I wouldn't post this if I hadn't been through the ringer myself, I'm on a low income, and I can't afford to buy fentanyl from clinics that have it. But, it's not hard to find, especially if you live in a bigger city.

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Re: ENJOY LIFE please (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

If you can even get it prescribed and then filled, that would be great!!!

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Re: Livingwithcancer (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

In defense of LWC, I don't think of it as go off and die but it sure makes it hard for legitimate sufferers. I know at least 2 people who died from an OD but they just didn't get the help they needed at the time. Addiction is a disease and many do not know this. And most addicts are in denial and feel they don't need help. Yet some don't deny it but cannot stop because of an underlying reason. And some cannot be helped no matter what they try. They either wind up dead or in jail because they don't want the help and don't want to stop even when intervened. So you can't make them stop. That is where I think LWC is coming from. I also know addicts like that too such as a girlfriend's daughter. It would take divine intervention to change her.

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Re: Christine (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I was on the phone 7.5 mcg fentanyl patch.they cut me to 6.2 mcg. 1 is a 5.0 patch and the other is a 1.2 patch ...I think their goal is to take me to 5.0 but they gave me Norco for breakaway... The paths are still available and many companies make them.. whoever told you they are not available lied to you

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Re: Mark (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

You know what else is ridiculous? It's when you become addicted to opiates due to chronic pain, and then they take all your opiates away. What do you do? You go to street drugs. Now, all the street drugs are pretty much laced with fentanyl or are just fentanyl itself, which is dangerous as hell and killing people left and right. Why? Because a few addicts are going to take away all the opiates from people who need them. It is absolutely ridiculous. If a person is in chronic pain, what's worse: not having a life because you're in chronic pain, or being addicted to Oxycontin or whatever drug it is? If you ask me, I think I'll take the latter. Having chronic pain in my back is like an "S." I am uncomfortable continuously, all the time. And because I am an addict, I have been to treatment for opiates, and now they put me on buprenorphine. You know what it does? Nothing for the pain. It's bad for my teeth; it is absolutely ridiculous that they are allowing chronic pain patients to just suffer, suffer, suffer.

So, instead of suffering, what are we supposed to do? We go to street drugs because they're cheaper, and our doctors have their hands cuffed because of the FDA's bulls***. Meanwhile, fentanyl is coming over the borders like bales of hay. What is the FDA doing about that? Nothing. "Oh, we're going to put out Narcan to save people. Oh, wonderful!" But in the meantime, everybody that's suffering and in chronic pain has to suffer. It doesn't make any sense at all. If you're in chronic pain, what is the difference? Who cares if you are addicted to your chronic pain medication? I don't understand. These are the doctors; these are the ones that prescribed it. Initially, all these drugs helped: the Fentanyl patches, the Dilaudid, the Oxycontin – the regular Oxycontin – helped. But because they started prescribing it to everybody with any kind of ache, now people with severe aches can't get it, and they end up with what? Oxycontin OPs, which are junk! Somebody has to do something because our country is so freaking backward, and our kids are dying. I would rather have my kid addicted to Oxycontin than have him go out and risk his life getting fentanyl on the street. You know what? This country needs a makeover, bottom line.

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Unfortnately, other than reporting your complaints to the FDA, there isn't much else you can do. I'm sorry you are having such a frustrating experience with it.

Have you tried to talk to your doctor about using any alternative medications, such as Fentanyl, or the time released Morphine?



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the new oxycotin works even better. Do not understand how you do not think this. It is made out of a plastic type so addicts can not use it intravenously. If they do they will die.

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