Is Opana 10mg Stronger Than A Oxycodone 30mg (Page 5) (Top voted first)


i have new pesription and my dr. wants me to try opana 10mg. is this drug stonger and how much stonger than my last drug oxycodone 30mg..

132 Replies (7 Pages)

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Pertaining to the Opana 15mg ER is the one with the half moon the best of the generic's?

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I use Obama 10 miles twice daily, and oxymorphone 10 3 XS a day for break thru pain, works great for me...

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I took Oxycontin 30 mg er 2 times a day and oxycodone 30mg every 6 hours for breakthrough pain. It was not working. He just switched me to Fentanyl patches 50 mg and I change them every 72 hours (they only last about 60 hours tho. He also put me on oxymorphone 10 mg every 6 hours for breakthrough pain. This seems to help me better than what I was on. Hope this helps.

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Robert C. what a Laundry list, I will keep you in my prayers always, just when you think your in agony I read a post like yours and I realize I'm very fortunate.

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Yes there is a generic for opana er. It is Oxymorphone er I know for a fact BC my husband gets them in 10mg from Walmart Pharmacy. So yes opana er has a generic

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Pain management. Normal drs are not prescribing pain pills any more, you have to go to a pain management doctor. My dr said for now on i need to go threw pain management and gave me a referral.

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I was moved to Opana ER 15mg and the Opanas do not work. I've tried for two months and have the feeling I'm going thru withdrawals. They don't dissolve very well. So I would not recommend them try something different. Plus they are very expensive com to a MS Cotin. Good luck.

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Yes there is its called Oxymorphone, I get that 10MG ER and it works great for me.

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10 dollars I pay for Oxymorphone which is generic for opana :-)

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Has anyone used zohydro and pana er for breakthrough pain? Gonna start this combo tomorrow's row. Hope I can get the pain under control.

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How to do a morphine sulfate 271 and feel it the best?

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I got some pain relief from opana but it makes me very drowsy. I am taking 30 mg er with 7.5 mg of oxycodone 2 times a day for breakthrough pain. She doesnt want to change the oxycodone. I broke my back two and a half years ago. Living with chronic pain is getting to me, I am not the same person. I am an a**hole but that's not me. I used to enjoy life.

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I use exact same prescriptions and they both work fine for PM Dr. Said I'm maxed out on how high of doses I can have now..I'm at the max and I only take 10mg Percocet 3 1/2 per day and 10 mg oxymorphone 2 a day...very strict on meds..she said it is because of new laws..I'm sure people are taking more then what I have been prescribed. ..anyways it does help...

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I too am using the Fentanyl patch and I wasn't really sure I was going to get relief. After I gave it a chance it really helps and if you have trouble with them staying on call the manufacturer. The number is listed in the paper inside the box and they will send you (free of charge) the tegaderm covers for your patch. I still use percocet for breakthrough pain, but my pain is now manageable.

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I take 20mg oxymorphone generic for opana and get filled every month at Walgreens
I'm in Ohio and idk? If that had anything to do with it!! 0I know it's the strongest pain pill you can get and they don't like giving them out! I know at one time they stopped the availability of the opanas and just started making them available again!?

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opana er. and how much also how many Vicodin

I was just taken off Vicodin 10/325 4 x a day to
Opana 10
Mg to replace the Vicodin is the opana strong enough. Taking 10 mg 4 times a day

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OxyMORphone (Opana) is 4.5x's stronger than oxyCODone. So 10mg of OxyMORphone is equal to 45mg of OxyCODone, as OxyCODone is 1.5x's stronger than Morphine, and OxyMORphone is 6x's stronger than Morphine. This information was taken straight from my PDR as well as my experience in prescribing more potent Opiate analgesics.

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Oxymorphone ER 10 mg is a tablet that contains 10 mg of Oxymorphone which is released over a period of time. Look it up. You won't see anything that suggests it suddenly changes to
30 mg. That just doesn't make sense. If a doctor thought you needed 30 mg,, they wouldn't give you something that's 10 mg. I think you may have misunderstood or you were misled.

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i don't know that is what i was told then again doctor don't know what they are talking about all the time either, maybe RAWDOG will know. he is really good with this kind of knowledge, so i am sorry Suzanne but that is what that stupid Doctor at PM told me. so you are probably right.

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I had a feeling that was the case. Sometimes they try messing with their patients thinking they probably don't know how to figure these things out. If you can, Google CDC Morphine Milligram Equivalents Tables Hopefully you'll find the actual tables that the doctors use for these things. Good luck to you!

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