Is Omeprazole Dr Same As Omeprazole Er?
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What is the difference between 'Delayed Release' and 'Extended Release'?

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Hi Susan - From what I was able to find the abbreviation "TBEC" stands for "Tablet Enteric Coated". So in other words, that would indicate a Delayed Release tablet in the same way as the "DR" tablet. Just an FYI though, I found the meaning of TBEC on acronymfinder, so as far as medical abbreviations go I can't vouch 100% for its accuracy. With that said, if you have the packaging for the Omeprazole tbec handy, could you locate the NDC code on it anywhere (assuming it's a US-based product)? With that information it should be possible to verify 100%. Hope this helps!

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Is Omeprazole 20 mg tbec same as Ompeprazole 20 mg DR?

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Actually, there IS a difference and they are NOT interchangeable. The example below talks about Depakote instead of Omeprazole, but the definitions and logic are the same.

"The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) defines delayed-release tablets as enteric-coated to delay release of the medication until the tablet has passed through the stomach to prevent the drug from being destroyed or inactivated by gastric juices or where it may irritate the gastric mucosa. USP defines extended-release tablets 'formulated in such a manner to make the contained medicament available over an extended period of time following ingestion.' The delayed-release formulation of Depakote is enteric-coated. Depakote ER is not enteric-coated. They are not interchangeable." [1]

[1] FDA safety page: Delayed-release vs. extended-release Rxs

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Thank you Verwon, I appreciate your help.

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There is no difference, they are just both ways of saying the same thing. They just mean that it's a time release formulation of the medication, rather than a regular release.


Is there anything else I can help with?

Editor's note: this message has been deemed inaccurate.

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